
Yeah - try and compromise with a sustainable fish in your area which is oily.

I Love this! Thank you

We're the marbles.

Can he be imprisoned as well?
Asking for a friend.

Hey, I will mow your lawn.

I love both Equilibrium and Reign of Fire, and I am unashamed to say it.

B- is a good grade in my opinion, especially coming from A.A Dowd.

Gosh - awesome analysis. I wish we could grab a coffee and gab about this film. No one I know takes it seriously :(


But it looked so cool.


I just saw this and I loved it. Gal Gadot really impressed and she is charismatic as fuck to all those saying she wasn't. I could have spent a lot more time in Themiscyra, or with Etta Candy but all in all I liked this a lot, and thought it was a well made film by Jenkins damn what Dowd says!
No, jk, I love yer A.A.

I never read her as being faithful and a 'good' wife. She was playing with Shadow and then she caught feelings. The name 'puppy' is indicative of the relationship and the disparity existed in the book. Book-Laura was simply more shallow and princessy than Show-Laura who is apathetic and numb. I also read BL as being

To your third point Woden's ravens were in the background of a lot of scenes, and there is also the question of who ratted Shadow out.

She will be in Glow the wrestling show on Netflix(?)

Yes lets use the law as an example, that famous mechanism for championing the powerless.

Why should the party being made fun of, be sensitive with the feelings of the person making fun?

Intent doesn't matter, impact does. True for car accidents, true for making fun of people with less power than you have.

This is so good. I haven't finished it yet but, so good.

That's Doug Liman? I always thought he was a fat guy.
Hmmm. Liman's hot.