
The actress who plays Betty is LUMINOUS. That she can sing too is just irritating.

All the girls deserve better yes, but as a teenager the most attractive, crushworthy boys were always the beautiful, dumb, gentle ones. That feels really real about this show. You didn't so much as like a person as you liked the idea of a person, and Archie is a cipher. (Also boys in bands were a sure way to teenage

Great review of one of my favourite authors when I was a child and pretentious. But that was on me not Maupassant. His short stories are fantastic, maybe especially The Horla. I read Bel Ami when I was like 16 and I didn't get it. Re-read is in order fer sure.

Into the Woods is okay, and she gets to SING

Oh Iggy, I lurve you

Where are you at? I'll lend you my copy.

I love you!!!


There's gay love

Yeah, but he's thoughtful and a talented actor

I'm a woman, and I'd kill to look like that
Wait, to look at that.
Wait, I can do that now

From your fingertips to God's ears.


Fucking Leo!

I've worn shape wear myself and am grateful for it, but the idea of peeing through a whole in my clothes is too far a bridge to cross. For me.

It's not an English name - it means 'hope' in Swahili iiirc.
Paradigm shifts cause no long term damage.

Yeah that's another one. A really good one.

Hee hee, I was just joking! I would actually like to see Somerhalder in a James Marsden type role (not Westworld) where he has to loosen up a little. I think he handicaps his face on purpose, but it would be more interesting if he uses his beauty to undercut the acting.

Fogettaboutit holland17, it's TVD.

I stopped watching after s4 and only got back into it to catch the last eps of the pocket universe that made Bamon, so I kinda missed out on all the Kai-ness.