
That was my thought right after the chyron that announced the fantastic Moriarty entrance was a flashback (not that it shouldn't be).

Molly should run the fuck away from Sherlock and Moffat and Gatiss.

Not to mention fucking inhumane. Euros was 6 years old? Fucking just kill her Mycroft you wanking tosser.

This is correct.
What a dumb show.
Remember when I thought this was the good Sherlock Holmes show? Remember?
What a stupid.

That was not good writing! Last episode was good, even for Sherlock, but this was dreck. I am not a good writer - I would have done better.

This was stupid. And insulting.
Cumberbatch gets out of it alive but Gatiss just malingers as both a writer and an actor - none of Mycroft felt Mycroft.

This is gold.

Yeah, me too.


I think, owing to the foreshadowing in this episode, that a case is being made for the virtue of self-sacrifice being the ultimate good (a case also made by The Good Place!) and that the show is positioning Damon to sacrifice himself for Bonnie, (thus keeping Elena asleep, away from him) or Stefan and Caroline (though

It would be great if Caroline and Matt get together - though she doesn't deserve him.

Wouldn't it be creepy if all this divergent behaviour caused inflexible Michael to become a bad person?

As a 14 year old, I loved Underseige for some reason. I still cringe when I think about it.
Inexplicably, though a straight girl, it was that the pretty girl from Baywatch was in it, and naked that most sticks in my mind. My for the days of fluid sexuality and no accessible porn.


SOmerhalder is a producer on this now. Well done him. The Supernatural boys haven't been able to get the producer credit after twenty years.

Yes but you did it so badly
Go away

I think the greatest challenge in the wake of all this legitimised hate is figuring out how to not to hate, myself. I am angry and I won't apologise for it. I am hyper suspicious of anyone telling to me to calm down, and they will need to prove their intentions before I listen.
But instead of wondering whether this

Also, the chemistry was different to any other pairing so far. It felt like two equals testing each other out, with Mace very interested in impressing Daisy.

But the dourness! It's a burden I tells you.

That's the point. Fascism sucks kiddos!
I think in the coming years, THG will be scarily prescient