
Yes I would advise anyone to get off the 24news (and twitter) but it doesn't matter what Trump says or doesn't. It matter what he does. I hope it can be countered.

His inability to see how his friend's fucking of a 16 yr old deserved a sacking, is way creepier now.

Happy Thanksgiving you Americans!!!! Thanks you looneys!

thanks much thankssomuch

I think watch what he does not says.
He's not in control of this - they'll let him say anything so they can do anything.

Mad King faeces-Donald

I would love for this to be true but then I think of Berlusconi and he ran Italy for 17years. He never looked that great, but he loved it.

I actually think they are pansexual seeing as they are having sex with people not of their species.

The writer of the ep said on twitter that he looked at the Trupm kids to get an idea for Eric.

Yeah but there's nothing wrong with being short :) so pointing out the reality of the sitch isn't mean.

Oddduck, try No Tomorrow even if it is canceled. It warmed my heart.
Also Westworld and Humans because everyone is a puppet and they are cold but thoughtful and somehow that made me feel better.

I'm so sorry that this show was not renewed because it is delightful and heartfelt and it would have been a great comfort in the world as it will be very soon.

Latoya I con't believe I'm saying this but I disagree that this wasn't a hilarious episode.

I loved that Winnie's injury n the line of duty was caused by an excess of cream cheese and not as some might think, a lack of bagels.

I love this comment!


I doubt she'd announce her murdering of Chloe. But yes. dumb plan.

= )


don't be polite to the fucking neo-nazis and fight them, spit on them, deny them EVERYTHING