
Hey, I do have a tendency to come off as condescending (or to actually condescend!eek) but I wouldn't say Le Guin's work is relegated to the labelled dustbin, rather that the idea of diversity she was playing with is twee in our context. I think her work transcends her times, our times and that she will be considered

So enjoy it dammit!! :) don't pick it apart before it's happened
Stop trying to solve it and engage with the other aspects of the show.

Bless you dear reader.
It's a love story with a macguffin if that helps?????

The Blue Carbuncle-berry

I do not get all of Valentine's reviews and usually that's on me, but this time I am sincerely baffled.

Man, stop right there. It does not get better than book three. Save yourself.

I didn't know Wesley did B'way!
I gather from the quote marks that Ian's charity isn't above board? A la the Trump Foundation?

I don't think Le Guin writes genre as we've begun to expect. She's more interested in mood and ideas. I also started and stopped The Left Hand because it didn't have an engine to pull me through. I will read it though.

I read Yvette Walker's Letters to the end of Love for comfort. She's an Australian author who is also a poet and the book is the correspondence of three sets of lovers. It has this beautiful elegiac style, very much echoing the Western canon. She is white, so I broke my rule for the year, but the election has

I really want to read The Mothers, my library is getting it. Can't wait.

Wow good for you
I think Nano is there to be failed at
The most words I've ever written for a piece (non-school) has been 3000 and it was EXCRUCIATING
I can't even imagine getting into the tens of thousands
I would brag about it so hard

It's funny how much variation there is in how he says the word too.
God, thanks for the laugh - the first time I've laughed looking at his face since the 9th

There’s pleasure to be found in that sort of trickery, but I feel like a third question has been shortchanged: namely, will the answers, whatever they may be, turn out satisfying enough to knit together ten episodes worth of hints, insinuations, and opacity?

*seethes with furious green envy

Okay. I want to see that.

Tupac might have taken The Ice T/Ice Cube route cause he was dipping his foot in acting and was good.

Harsh. He's a dipshit, doesn't mean he should die

I wouldn't count on it. seems he's not sleeping though so maybe
what then tho

That would be tuppence?

I have a feeling that's not the last we'll see of tyler