
i think they established that the head chef was a boar and lost staff frequently.Thus much turnover, thus nice easy entry for evil art thief.

oh noes

FUCK mobile users for fuck's sake. ruining my internet since 2011.

This the worst year.
Gwen Ifill was a great anchor and newswoman on The News Hour. Damn. I hope she went peacefully.

Yes that's got to be the credo: Be more vigilante and fucking do the right thing.
Best to you Rogue_Like, take care.

Kinda of ironic right - more love for a show about divorce.
I blame it on the political climate. Too much real pain to watch a show about real pain.
Thanks for the reviews and this interview. They make me happy.

Take care dear Mrs. Langdon Alger - we need you decent folk around.

Waking up is terrible because all I can think of is all those ugly hateful people are vindicated.
Take care.
An Australian Greens politician said once that people are more purposeful and active under conservative governments because they want to get them out of power. I hope that happens.
That's also why I think calls

Oh gee buddy - take care take care take care.
Internet hug, whenever you need it.

I am genuinely worried for my mental health.

God he looks so good. How does he look so good. Heroes was a decade ago?

She wants to swing and he's monogamous. It will not end well.

Instead he went for the one with the (future) French Oscar? Pe-shaw.

This is so great Gwen!!!!!!
Was he as great in person as he comes across in print?


I think that's the point? That nothing in the film is worthwhile bar the puzzle box solution. So not a good movie.

You too dear nigeltde.

She's on Timeless as the mother. She has a small part right now. It will get bigger methinks.

Hey it's a black actor! Hey he's playing an active, positive character!
Oh wait - he's dead.
Oh wait he's the big bad who is inactive, except through his agents who are two (conveniently non-specific but aesthetically acceptable) 'ethnic' hot babes.

I like the re-frame of Hell's inception being similar to the Christ story - a messiah executed by the state (the powerful in the village at least) which gives rise to a new religion. Of course they've literalised it.