
I liked that the case of the week was a dramatisation of how many male 'allies' work in defending women, by making it all about them! I thought it was very moving that the thing that made killer kill the victim was his utter contempt of her her-ness. The actor was very good in that scene.

That's the spirit. The holy spirit.

Can you come over for x-mas and pummel him with this reality until he dies (figuratively) (we do good food and no religion!)

Oh no - He's Sri Lankan.
He's TOO Lankan

Oh my
commiserations on the pollie relations
We thankfully are much too gam-e to have such high falutin' relos.

applesauce penguin
of cock?

I broke up with a cousin because he quote-memes BEN CARSON. We are not even American. I have an ulcer and did I mention I'm not even American?

Oh great catch - there's so much to think about in this show!

Is anyone else crushing on Chidi? He's so lovely *sigh

Building something that simple doesn't require a lot of spatial smarts - it's not trapeze.
They showed him learning - which book smart people do all the time.

We call it theatre sports so that walking in you know what you will get

I liked that Jimmy was good with tools and specs to build a tree house. Smart people are smart with their bodies too. I also liked how he used youtube to instruct him. I love youtube.

You should only really wash with soap the stinky bits - crotches, underarm, under-boob, anus, feet.

People are hideous - why am I not surprised. CMA's a sack of gutless shit, and no that doesn't make any damned sense!

But they enjoy a life of privilege born of divine mandate, yet want us to understand them as equally human? Isn't that the contradiction?

Would bang.

Heidi would be into it.

What is Grey Poupou?
And Texas Toast?
You people are so exotic.

Go to a bakery
Buy white court loaf
Cut 2.5cm slices, NO DIAGONALS
Put cast iron pan on smallest burner, on lowest flame, lightly oil
Slather butter on all sides
Slice a nice cheapish cheddar
Open sandwich
Apply light smear of Vegemite
Lay half the cheese slices
Sprinkle lightly with soy sauce
Lay rest of cheese
Close sandwich

This looks fantastic and both Clair Foy and Matt Smith are wonderful actors but please I cannot take another drama asking me to feel compassion; that seeks for me to understand people like these. Since when have these people ever experienced poverty of attention or adoration?