
But remember Jane was recently in love with Rafael who is known for being dynamite in the sack. Michael was feeling a little emasculated. Not that it was alright for him to deny Jane the opportunity to vent and get support, but he learnt that he was wrong, and as always with Michael he admitted it and changed.

He's too good for Bond. But I wish him Bond money one day.

Says who? If you aren't entertained stop watching. Don't try and change the thing. Or complain that the thing is not as you would wish it.

I have a theory about Mother:
I think the Uriel episode is a long con to affect a coup in Heaven - she is gathering her army. Every story about Uriel emphasises his smallness, thus exacerbates the pain and guilt of his brothers. Also her conference with Amenadiel is very manipulative, she was totally driving him to

He was a great actor too! That scene was just great all the way through.

It's not lack of Trust - Linda wasn't lying to him - it's just that his true nature is more massive than humans are known to be able to cope with.
I think, perhaps contrary to LaToya's great review, that Lucifer's vulnerability with regards to revealing his true face is about the weight of existence he bears. He is

How she manages to put such sweet, sad vulnerability into her smile as Sweetwater Dolores I'll never know. Magnificent.

The problem I have with the criticism of the fact that the story is ill-defined is: are you going anywhere? I know TV critics have a lot to stuff to cover and may bail on a show if it isn't giving enough satisfaction, but is there anything on Tv right now that feels like this? I would say no. Will it fall in on its


Landis as in Max Landis?
Oh no thanks

a character who’s not as nice as Carrie Bradshaw
This Frances must be a piece of work then because Carrie B was horrible.

I think you did say something reasonable. Keep saying it.

This sounds like respectability politics. Listen if Fey consistently writes work that is racist (whether ironic or not) it is fair to question whether she is racist. The problem is not calling her a racist. It is not worse to be called a racist than to perhaps BE a racist.

He be white man.

I am waiting for Jason Reitman to direct a Max Landis script.
It will be glorious and I will not see it.

Thanks - I was thinking more sci-fi things! Derp

Yeah but, I was thinking about the erections
all the erections

Seriously good for him, this feels sincere. And I imagine Taika had some hand in this, being a first peoples'…person.
And damn he's seems like the best person and he's super hot and in love with his wife. It's good.

I'm cringing from 20 years distance.
what did you do with your arousal
Your parents were right there

Damn I made a similar comment. Eek