
Lily is not a feminist - did the part where she admits as much give it away? She wants to rule over men the way men have ruled over women, cruelly and unjustly. That is not in any way the definition of a feminist.

It's called escalation rather than the same plot climaxing every season. No he wasn't necessary (really though?) last season.

I said the same thing! Twinsies.

Everyone needs a hobby.

Also? they are gonna need a bigger bed. And a lot more blood - though Victorian England does seem replete with pus-bag men to provide it for them.

Lily, people can redeem themselves you know. Just look at Malcolm, who is now telling racists to fuck off. Not that I mind the story line, unlike some I love it quite a bit. Having watched (and enjoyed) my fair share of vengeful male murderers, seeing that role being taken up by a woman is fun. But, kids, remember:

Time is weird on this show. It dilates according to mood!

I couldn't get over that either - as someone who has periods, that is the most enervating smell: lively and slick with wet metal thrown in. Blerg.

I really liked how the makeup on Vanessa was reflecting her mental anguish. When with Dr. Seward she looks haggard and then meeting Dr Sweet she looks vibrant, youthful. Immediately after the hall of mirrors she's back to scratching at herself and looks aged and desiccated. I really admire this show for using all of

My guilty pleasure is porn. A friend recently said he stopped watching this show after s1 because it was 'boring'. I judged him.

In light of recent deaths of black Americans by law enforcement, I don't think there is really any merit remaining to the adage that you can stand up to bullies. That only works in a just world, not the one we are living (or the one PD is of) in which the rules favour the extinguishing of non-dominant opposition.

I agree it hasn't been entertaining but I think it has been moving, especially the primary three (Carrie, Hood and Job - all aliases I just noticed).
And yes the serial killer plot was SOOOOOO misguided, I think it was done as a rebuke to TBTB who maybe wanted Banshee to turn into a more titillating Hannibal.

Yeah but that's the movie that forced Keanu to take more control of his career so it's an important one.

They probably did this to save money for the finale.

Because Banshee is a real place, no fancy survives. Also for all Bode's grandstanding about his profane mandate to rule, dead is fucking dead: no gods or monsters gonna save you.

Eyebrow wing-tip was especially delightful. Now I wanna shave my head!

Cinematic or not Hannibal s3 was indulgent and fractured. Dreamscape all you want but when you have five epodes of content stretch out to 12 it is not good writing, no matter the acting or other production details (which were excellent throughout). Saying that I loved Hannibal s3 because it was beautiful and

Yeah - he brought death to town; it is only fitting that he takes it out with himself. Sad though - 'Lucas Hood' may be the saddest character I've ever loved.

Was anyone skeeved out by Cruz's murder? That is an awfully intimate place to take someone out in, and though of course Cruz is a BAMF, she's been in the wars. you can't tell me that Burton respected her abilities so much that he had to choose such a vulnerable situation for her? The guy who takes OUT eight Nazis,

Yes we did make it! Chug that aquavit and pray s8 is a doozy.