
That's Crazy Fuckballs Rat-face.

AS someone with great teeth, I'm abashed at how funny I find the tooth insults lobbed Cruise's way.

The training clips from Edge of Tomorrow are insane - you can see him will himself to get used the 50kg eco-suit and like it!

I sort of fucking hate how this clip makes being a bad-ass motherfucker with projectile weapons look fucking wonderful.
All the gun nut Drumpf loonies will just find another reason to fall deeply in love with Keanu Reeves.

Thanks for this - lots to think about.

I liked the meta-ness of Stark stealing scientific discovery from a woman and saying that's how it's done.

To grind, or not to grind.

Is that Laksa? It's not pho is it? Is it?
I'm so hungry.

@Marah, I'm sure it didn't come across in the interview, but it seems really rude the way you ask him to explain like all his roles to you - I can imagine it would be demoralising to be interviewed by someone who knows like only two films you've made.

I love this guy.

I really liked Life, I wonder whether it's got a DVD release.

Yeah I agree that he is gross but the speech redeemed the win for me - if whiny actor has to win, at least he used his speech for some sort of good.

Or The Sum of Us for the fun, eye-wateringly charismatic Russell of early years.
I still love him to death though - if only he would not hubristically tweet (or throw phones at people).

This is so good - yes they want the myth of White Supremacy and the want back the spoils of colonisation.

Rachel Griffiths! I know.

It's not stupid as in their IQ is questionable (though many wouldn't know how to do the IQ test which is the point in a way)- they don't have experience with being thoughtful - they listen to the person who SEEMS to making sense and they parrot that. They haven't learnt, been taught what argument and fact are:

Yeah this is a guy who admits to paying politicians on both sides to get what he wants. He's a 'business' man. He's not paying the American people but he is saying what he needs to get the power to give Trump corp keys to the state.

An Australian actress, on moving back here after living in America gave an interview praising certain American voters, saying she admired how some of them would vote against universal healthcare even with rotting teeth in their mouths, because they had the strength of conviction that government shouldn't intervene in

I think some people hate non-white people more than they care about economics.
Also if they see their place as white people slipping, i.e losing power, then Trump's promise to reverse that down shift also promises a return to power, which might mean to them a return to a better economic position.
Or maybe, their lives

He was birthed using forceps which paralysed parts of his face is what I'd heard.