
But we don't know the extent of the universe yet. And Sembene is certainly not of the European tradition.

Bronastein asks John Clare "why?" they were created at one point. But Clare confesses to not knowing. This is all very odd, because you would think Clare would have asked Victor at some point long before. And of course both Clare and Bronastein knows that she was created for Clare. The real answer appears to be

Surely something is also wrong with him? He wanted to own her, instead she shows she's owns him. It is sweet, and I think fitting for such monsters. It's only scary for every other character - Lily is formidable and very angry.

The prophecy does say that only one will return to Heaven. Perhaps the brothers are in competition?

I love Brily!
I hoped you meant kill when you said 'take care of Brily' because she don't need no man to take care of her!
And then I worried for my soul.
Also Billy Piper is very good in this so I actually hope Brily doesn't get taken care of.

I've said this before, but I irrationally dislike that actor, and I don't even know why. Doesn't help that the character is coming for Chandler and Malcolm.

They want to kill him. I doubt they will, because where is the drama in that? I would like a Victor arse-kicking at the hands of Lily though.

Why did Frankenstein think he was owed the opportunity to abuse the dead, his subjects (create the dead in Brona's case), completely abandon all responsibility in the first case and continue his research subsequently?

But even if she did consent, there are some things you can't really consent to. I always think about Dollhouse (how apropos) and how there is no consenting to enslavement, or exploitation.

I think the plotline is criticising Frankenstein. It is a critique on how women have been oppressed by patriarchy through time and a critique on fucken Meninsts and the like. Lily articulates the radical position of that argument in this episode.

No, I don't remember that. I thought it was to be the end of light (humanity) and the creatures would rule the Earth.

Though, you never have Simon Russell Beale and not know that you have the king's gold. That he is good is never a surprise.

I loved how that cape/ robe was used this episode. Earlier she was framed in front of a large portrait of a woman with long hair, and the cape was arranged to echo the lines. Just wonderful.

I don't think it was a sudden understanding.

I also loved in the scene between him and Victor, how the Creature petulantly articulates what Victor has been projecting all this time with regards to Lily. 'I made you, you're mine'.
I never noticed how he named her, unlike letting Proteas chose his own name.

She (Lily) gives men what they want all the better to destroy them.

Which puts Gladys Murray's wonderful riposte 'We have no more children for you to save' into marvellous relief.
That actor is great - I wished for more of a confrontation (peaceable but truthfully forceful)in the ballroom scene and was slightly disappointed. But Logan knows best - next week should be good.

And Timothy Dalton. I loved how his story was told mostly wordlessly, just through performance.
Also the words that were used were beautiful. This John Logan chap sure can write!

That's not shade. Just flat out 'I detest you'.

Yes, I was hoping they wouldn't. But they did.