
Although you are not playing as Revan, I found some of the SWTOR story lines really solid but it really depends on the class you pick. For the Sith Empire I thought all of the classes but the Sith Inquisitor had solids stories.

Well WoW’s aesthetic has always trended more towards the cartoonish side so this replication is pretty much spot on.

I like that it is a Jewish unicorn. I hope they let it break the glass. MAZEL TOV!

I absolutely hate those super posed pictures of babies. They just looks so creepy and unnatural to me. What happened to the peaceful sleeping baby picture?

Please madam, may I have some more?

We all remember the cultural insensitivity surrounding casting Chinese women as Japanese geisha in Memoirs of a Geisha.

That show is my new binge. I enjoy Dong's character but he doesn't smolder as much as Henry in Selfie (see above gifs for reference!)

Yeah I watched the unreleased ones. Eliza singing Chandelier was just an amazing moment and really gave that song a depth that I had not noticed before.

Ugh, this really makes me wish that Selfie had gotten more traction. I loved John Cho as a lead love interest. Their chemistry was so good I hope that they get picked up by Netflix or Hulu.

Someone find the gif of Joe with his Leprechaun picture!

I see your bow tie and raise you a top hat!

I think this is a big part of the problem. Women's clothing is just not comfortable. My husband can walk into any store and grab a pair of pants and they will fit him while for me it takes trying on 20 different pants that are all the same "size." Men's clothing just seems to have extra room so even if men don't

This sounds like something out of Downtown Abbey or a period piece. Sleep in separate bedrooms and only see each other in the formal drawing room and for dinner!

I don't think this is a bad thing. It actually reminds me a little of Final Fantasy VI. I would argue that Terra was the main heroine for the first half of the game and then it switched to focus more on Celes's growth. FFVI will always be my favorite because it had more of a ensemble cast in general compared to

Yay for Jesse from Heroes of Cosplay. I love his costuming work and I am happy to hear he has gotten to work on Grimm.

Is it going to kill you if I point out that you just made a *gasp* feminist argument about how gender norms also affect men?

Just got my Pats Saint Patrick's Day shirt in the mail and now it is going to be stained with tears.

I think one interesting thing this might introduced in paid raid spots. I remember back in Vanilla and some BC that the really high end guilds would allow people to pay for raid spots to experience content and for a chance at epics. This was usually when the guild had decked out most of their raiders and had no need

I feel like the Cucoo is the Lu Bu of Hyrule warriors. Do not pursue Cucoo!

I think the problem she has is this is a heavily used trope,especially in anime. It seems like the lazy go to for writers that the evil woman is highly sexualized and uses their body for manipulation purposes. This once again makes women seen as objects tied to their sexuality instead of an actual personality. It