
I accept your offering of Hiddlesyum. I thought the gif works because even Legolas and Gimli should be able to get married.

Please tell me they are going to get Neil Patrick Harris to come back and change the announcements about no selfies on the ride. I love hearing him when the rider starts!

I am still surprised that Legolas was my second literary crush (after Prince Caspian) even with that awful awful Fabio romance novel style artwork.

I have been discussing with my friends the possibility of Fuller gender swapping Clarice like he did for Alanna and Freddie. It might be interesting to see Hannibal have an actual homosexual relationship with Clarence Starling which would grow out of his bromance with Will.

I agree that the second season was not nearly as good and I was afraid it was going to become a serial “look at how messed up this killer is,” every week. As much as I love Fuller’s art direction I find it harder and harder to accept some of his leaps of faith in terms of what Hannibal is accomplishing. I mean he has

I remember when Cosmo or some publication similar reported on a study that warned that skinny jeans could damage the nerves in your legs. Their response was something along the lines of, “Whatever! We still love them and look fabulous!” And some people still deny that there is sexism in the fashion industry.

I am excited that they are giving everyone one more character slot. It is a nice sign of good faith that they want their players to be happy. I see many are still discussing the lack of information about the expansion’s content but hopefully that will be rectified over time and I haven’t seen anything about actual

Thanks for the civil exchange. One thing that I hate about this whole thing is how nasty it has made GW2 players to each other. We have a reputation for being one of the best communities so I hate something like this causing a schism in the player base. Hopefully they will release more info and we can all enjoy a game

I don’t feel entitle but I think it is shitty how they have package it. It is obvious that they want to make at least $60 off of the players are are going to go the base game route. It is also using a tricky business move because they are getting the price point closer to the next step up. People are much more likely

But there is no way to tell if it is essentially throwing away your account. If the expansion lacks enough content that you are still playing the majority of the time with the base content then once again that argues that the expansion price point is too high. Like most games, usually an expansion means that old

You must not play GW2 that much if you think starting a new account is no big deal and you can just “transfer your legendary and it is all good.” You are also forgetting all the armor/weapon skins that your account shares via the wardrobe. Also any dyes that I have unlocked over the past 3 years. You can’t share

But lack of information is the problem and why many people are complaining about the price point. What they have revealed is not even close to a GW1 expansions in terms of the playable beta and the announcements so far. Anyway as I said in another comment, myself and my entire guild are waiting until they make further

Essentially making the characters that I have already spent gems on and farmed gear on as worthless as my dead WoW and SWToR accounts when I can’t access the new content? It IS nickle and diming and a strategic move on their part to make more money. They know most players do not have a free character slot if they have

True, and 100% of my guild right now is saying they are going to wait until there is more information or wait until the price drops a couple of months in.

I think a lot of people are looking at this without context. If you consider the amount of content that players got for expansions for GW1 the information that they have released for HoT does not make it worth the $50 price tag. In addition, GW1 did give players extra character slots when they introduced new classes.

Yeah, the title definitely makes it sound like she had an inappropriate pre-planned bit instead of a knee jerk reaction to Stephanopoulos’s ridiculous phrasing.

Ugh the just hurts my brain. How can you have a movie about a figure from African folklore and make him and his family white?!?!