
I'm very sorry for what you experienced but what I was pointing out is that it appears that there was a communication issue between the two parties. Temkin says that he was unaware of what happen so this tells me she didn't communicate that she was uncomfortable. I think his statement about rape culture making

First, I am a woman so please don't make assumptions. I am just speaking as someone that has had experience dating nerd guys that have not had a lot of experience physically with women. If a guy moved too fast I made sure to tell them I was uncomfortable, but sometimes when you are passionately making out a hand

I guess the problem is what the accuser defines as sexual assault. It could have been somethings as terrible as force fellatio or it could have been him trying to stick his hand up her shirt or down her pants after misreading a signal. If he is the same of his target audience he may not have had a lot of experience

That is what I was saying. In my opinion the article is heavily written to sway the reader into thinking Temkin is guilty. Also many people are choosing to boycott his company based off of a very sparse accusation where further evidence is needed.

Someone is suppose to be innocent until proven guilty but that is not always true in the court of public opinion.

He said they never had sex which I am guessing meant vaginal penetration. I am wondering if he pressured her into some other sexual act and wasn't aware that she was that uncomfortable.

Yes, but all of that is typically treated as your taxable income so if I am paying taxes on it I would like to use the money they way I want to. Other people are making personal choices such as having children, not exercising, and eating unhealthy diets and yet my employers doesn't regulate their behavior. If they

Hate to admit I know this, but Fall Out Boy has at least two songs that mention Chicago.

Now playing

Doctor Who is a family scifi show and it suppose to be a little campy. That is what is fun about the Dalek. You look at them and think they are ridiculous looking and then they sear your insides while screaming, "EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE." If you want something to become more Geth inspired maybe you should consider

I really hope they add more races to the game. I would love to have a Goron like Darunia with a move set similar to Ding Feng with his claws or maybe Ruto using some water magic like a whip.

The issues is that other employers do want to exclude ALL forms of birth control from their health care plans. I will not name names but I only get birth control because of the ACA due to my current employers religious views. I have to go through a terrible mail order service that has already screwed up my

I was wondering if it was for the first or second season. As much as I love the character I think she was much stronger during the first season with her own back story episode. For season 2 I really thought that Samira Wiley had some great performances.

Or he has a female relative that has helped him decorate his apartment. I know my mother used that word about 50 times when we were looking for items to place on my extra bookshelves.

I think they should have those workout trampolines with portals painted above them.

True, but Mara Jade and Revan are still humanoid characters so they are more grounded in the real world and real fabrics that have been used in the movies. Now if you are judging a puppet like a ysalamiri to go with a Thrawn costume I think you would give the fabricator a little room for interpretation.

I think the difference is that the 501st has set standards and it is an established group with guidelines/tutorials for people to follow so that prospective members know what is expected of them. This group is probably just a group of friends or people that met online that wanted to experiment with cosplay and

I remembering going to a reading with Brian Jacques when I was in elementary school. Before the event started my mother and Mr. Jacques shared a smoke break outside the bookstore. That memory and my signed copy of Martin the Warrior have a place in my heart.

Doesn't Florida already have an infestation of snakeheads? Maybe those could eat the lionfish.

All Hail the Animal King!