
And over here on your left, folks, we have a Bernie baby in his natural habitat. Note his willful ignorance in failing to understand exactly WHY Guantanamo Bay is still open. He thinks the president is a king, who can do whatever he wants, without an act of congress. See also 2010 midterms in which Bernie babies

Fucking over those who will suffer as a result of a Trump presidency, including those with uteruses, undocumented immigrants, people with pre-existing health conditions or on Medicare, is absolutely a privilege, genius, because you and your white privileged college educated self will be just fine, won’t you?

The truth is, Hillz is a damn good Democrat. No she is not a radical leftist (that’s a good thing). She would be a damn good POTUS. Not voting for her wreaks of idiocy not being principled.

That is because you are a low informed voter. You buy into tumblr and Twitter bullshit memes rather than actually reading about the candidates. Such armchair self-congratulatory LAZY outrage. HRC is a damn good liberal. A feminist history shattering Democrat for POTUS. If you fucking think she us evil or anything like

I don’t get it at all. I voted for Bernie in my state’s primary, but it makes literally no sense to sit this one out. She might not be as progressive as I’d like, but at least she won’t be sending us backwards. And we can keep pressure on her throughout her presidency to come through with her campaign promises. But

Nope she has more experience, she was the Secretary of State. She's been a senator. And honestly she's pragmatic, which I think is an important quality to have when dealing with the rest of the politicians that need robe worked with. That's why I'm voting for her. She and Bernie agree on about 90% of their policies so

I dont get some Bernie folks. Hillary peeps will vote for Bernie if he gets nominated but I hear more Bernie folks saying they won’t vote for Hillary. You do realize your vote will basically count for a republic party. Sorry doesn't cut it.

Way to get Trump elected and the next SCOTUS nominee to be a complete shitshow!

Donald Trump thanks you for your support. Enjoy your privilege!

Gay lady here. I can’t speak for all of my community at large, but in the wake of this controversy I’ve seen something really important happening which I find incredibly valuable. People are sharing their memories of the Reagan years and the AIDS crisis, talking about loved ones who suffered and died, and many

You can see him say when he stands up “my dick came out”.

yeah I don’t know what I’m supposed to be reacting to. this whole situation seems to be handled appropriately.

“However, Dr. Click was not entitled to interfere with the rights of others, to confront members of law enforcement or to encourage potential physical intimidation against a student.”

You are incredibly rude, Jia. This isn’t the first time you’ve acted this way towards commenters.

Does Gawker have some sort of affirmative action program for insecure dimwits?

“A few weeks ago, a man emailed me to “congratulate” me for “overcoming my gender” and voting for Bernie Sanders.”

what if...I was realized that and I was talking to other commenters to facilitate discussion in what is always an echo chamber anyway? And what if I said outright I wasn’t referring to Stassa or criticizing her at all?

My retort to all of the trolls and berniebros here:

Well, you aren’t going to get moderate undecided voters to vote for an ultra liberal. In effect, you are giving the presidency away to a republican if BS is the nominee. THAT IS A POSITION OF PRIVILEGE. You must be white. White people have less to lose if a republican is in office. White men in particular. Young,

Bernie voted for the ‘94 crime bill for which Hillary’s critics like to skewer her (when she was first lady, not a senator with any real power). Just sayin’.