
Elizabeth Warren hasn’t endorsed anyone.

This is the rant that I've been ranting all day long.

Being a sore loser and not conceding when he loses, shit talking the organizations when he doesn’t get their endorsements, stealing campaign data, whining about the establishment when he almost exclusively gets positive press and now constantly changing the conditions after agreeing to them - it’s Bernie’s world

“I sure hope — we’re in Bernie Sanders’ backyard here in New Hampshire — I sure hope he intends to show up in his neighboring state”...“There is nothing worse than a debate about debates.”

Bernie Sanders Makes Another Sweeping Proclamation With No Plan

I bet you voted for Obama.

I’m pretty sure the millions of people whose lives he’s helped destroy and the hundreds of thousands of people he’s helped kill won’t miss him. I sure as well won’t miss him, except for the funny recurring joke on Parks & Rec.

I have followed this story with about 8% of the required interest necessary to be well-informed and, so enlightened, am ready to render my final, definitive verdict on what did and didn’t happen.

I want desperately to believe Jackie

They mean that even after someone’s story is proven to be untrue and a fabrication, self-identifying as a “victim” should still net you special consideration and a completely baffling assumption of truth-telling.

“Her smug demeanor”

One of my friends is like that and I am probably voting for Hilary, but she thinks I hate Hilary as much as she does and she’ll be like CAN YOU BELIEVER HER? BERNIE IS GOD! whenever Clinton, like, breathes. dude here....voted for Hil in ‘08, have waited 8 years to do it the Bern, but as people are so fond of telling women, “Yes, but it’s not your time”.....

You forgot #herhusbandwasaccusedofrape and #shesashrillbitch

Yes, I know. You’re voting for Bernie. Clinton is the establishment candidate. She takes money from corporations. He’s a man of the people. #feelthebern #notvotingforhillary #goingtostatetheaboveeverytimehernameisevermentionedanywhere

Neither is the New York Times, but they both have an odd anti-Clinton bias.

Just chiming in here to say that your act isn’t fooling anyone. You’re too on the nose, so to speak, with your buzzwords. Not having the facts on your side is a problem too, of course.

Well, it is a matter of public record that you were accused of raping children and torturing animals, and here you are trashing your accusers.

Yeah you guys remember when Hillary Clinton got a blowjob from Monica Lewinsky and so the fact that that happened is relevant to her campaign for the presidency?

But he is not running. So is Hillary guilty of sexual assault? No.