
It is banned. Rule 12, Section 3, Article 1(r) of the NFL rules

LEAPING (r) Clearly running forward and leaping in an obvious attempt to block a field goal, or Try-kick after touchdown and landing on players, unless the leaping player was originally lined up within one yard of the line of scrimmage when the ball

To be fair the only ones who stuck it to the establishment on election day were the 10-15% of Democratic voters that stayed home to send a message. They effectively beat the a political party, like we beg every other day for people to band together to do and send a message (like none of the above, or no on this same

“Would the Nazis still have been awful if they didn’t commit genocide?” is more and more the question the next 4 years will answer. Sure you cannot “compare” them without sounding hyperbolic normally, but now besides the racism and xenophobia the modern right wing propaganda movement is also being given a place in

Look. I never share these things because I have enough proof in my own experience to tell me people like this exist in the world. Yet this amplifies an incident with more negative outcome than positive. Negative because only those in close proximity can confirm for themselves that any of these are real. I cannot. I