
Is it possible that ... he actually is so white that it’s contagious? Maybe there *were* several African-Americans and Latinos in the group, but after repeated Ryan exposure, they TURNED WHITE?

Thank you for that! I needed some more Baker Street in my life, best sax solo ever.

No Bernie Ecclestone? Stef Shrader needs to have a word with you guys.

I am, in every conceivable way, the target demo for this show.

“stay in your lane”

so guys that HAVE played for Harrington think he’s not so good.

Except that minor league is a catch all term that includes, but isn’t limited to teams that are affiliated with MLB teams.

I spent the last few weeks thinking of a tree that we used to have in the backyard of our old house. All those hours I spent under that tree looking up as the sunlight dripped like honey through the leaves. When the thin cold wire of time wasn’t pressing pushing tight against my neck. There was time back then. There’s

Agreed. We’re the real heroes.

But are you guys still fucking or...?

The NBC coverage across all sports sucks. It’s filled with casual sexism, lack of knowledge about the sport, and just pure idiocy. And my number one pet peeve is all of schmaltzy storylines. I don’t care about the backstory, I don’t want an inspiring anecdote. Just show me the sports! Like, you’ll watch for an hour

Good. I’m totally a casual gymnastics viewer but I’ve always hated the horrible coverage provided by networks. It really is all about the big sob stories with maybe 5-10 minutes of actual coverage sandwiched in between. And of course they only focus on a few of the athletes - either the ones with the biggest sob story

Adam Schefter just shit his pants.

Hot taek: Tim Tams are fucking delicious.