
The A’s were only one game under .500 after the All Star break last year, things are looking up for them. And it’s not like they don’t have a recent history of periodic swings between bad and good.

The stupid tach/speedo implementation is my biggest complaint about my Mazda3.

Former Laney student here: That is the most accurate sentence you will see on this blog.

No way dude. Some of us don’t need the extra hassle of trying not to burn ourselves while we’re half-awake. And iced coffee is crap.

I feel like not enough people are talking about the Billy-Buffalo Bill connection. Especially in the last two episodes, I couldn’t stop thinking about it whenever he was on the screen.

Now playing

Randy Velarde with the unassisted triple play

It’s only going to be about 35,000 seats, and I think they said they were planning on just two decks, not three.

Fuck Mark Davis.

Wait, when were the Romans in Oakland?

Wait, how do you get your avocados to eat ass?

Where should I got for dinner in Oakland or SF tonight?

This game was pure, unfiltered, grade-A, perfectly-cooked butt.


Relays are also why you hear a click in some cars when turning the rear defroster on or off.

For those of you who didn’t think Scarborough Fair was annoying enough, Waltzing Matilda should be right up your alley!

Looks like someone had trouble cracking 100k likes today! Low-energy and sad!

I believe Germany has very strict laws regarding publishing images of people without their permission

Imagine the PR fiasco that would kirchoff if they made him pay!

Love the train videos, they’re excellent background atmosphere for working at home. Plenty available on Youtube, just search for “driver’s eye view” or “Japan train viewing”

Cyberpunk 2077