
No, it is not pronounced “jif”.

Always remember, English started as a slang language by poor people who didn’t know how to speak French.

Yes, let’s post the same thing three times, to really drive the point home.

It is actually said less to boys less because boys are less likely to come forward because of the stigma attached.

My parents bought me an ‘88 Cutlass Ciera. It was a retired rental car with a bench seat, tape deck, and sunken roof from idiots tying luggage on it. I loved it because it was mine! I keep threatening my 16 year old that I’m tracking that car down for him. Maybe I can buy Hillary’s?

I had one as well...a ‘94. The best thing I can say about it was that I never had to worry where I parked it....There’s a lot to be said about being able to park wherever you want and knowing it’ll still be there when you get back....

Wait...the gardener is named Mr. Lawn?!

Personally, I’m a fan of Bernie’s ride.

20-inch (30 cm)

Translation: Someone offered him a job to shut him up.

That was my question also.

how does one resign after they’ve already been fired?

It can be lonely, but this sort of shared accommodations is only sustainable long-term if you have some sort of control over who else lives there. Have you ever stayed in a hostel? Because this would be like permanently living in a hostel. I lived in a set up a lot like this, and we ended up with a roommate who rarely

I fully believe in smuggling illicit alcohol to the elderly.

but its like living with 50 roommates, right?? I can’t even imagine living with one.

This is so true, I had a few intentional (small scale, but more importantly, affordable) intentional living experiences after college. Living in community is awesome, when done well, this is essential a Dorm 2.0. They are pushing a similar-ish thing in Seattle, the Apodment, slap me. Again, for wealthy tech-workers

All true... but also don’t need to move to NYC and deal with expensive housing options at all. lol

My grandma has a similar set up with a meal plan. Sadly, no beer.

Retirement living for the generation that will never be able to retire!

“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”