
I am so impressed by Elizabeth Smart and thankful for her advocacy. I have used her quote about the chewed gum metaphor (used in abstinence only “sex ed” classes) in my victimology and juvenile delinquency classes (when we talk about the impact of adverse childhood experiences) to explain why we need age appropriate

She is a bright arrow against the dark. I can easily believe she has light around her.

No, I totally believe it. There are some people who just have that radiance, and I’ve always thought she would be one of them.

i also really respect - as a fellow ex-mormon - that she doesn’t shy away from saying that the church fucked her up. i like that she calls out specific behaviors and dialogues and people who told her the wrong things. i’m impressed she does it with as much gentleness and dignity as she does.

I think the sic is the author of this article indicating that it was misspelled in the Deseret News article.

idk how she bounced back from the horror she dealt with. its pretty miraculous. she's heroic.

Forgive me if I’ve mentioned this here before, but: I met her once, briefly, and not only is she an amazing human being, but she’s the only person I’ve ever seen in real life with a radiance around her, like she stepped out of a Renaissance painting of a saint or something.

Thought the same thing. We know what she said and words are rarely spelled out how they’re pronounced, especially when it comes to accents.

Seriously. It was probably just a Utah accent thing, they have some different pronunciations out there (the one that comes to mind is that they tend to say "moun-en" instead of "mountain").

I love that she is using her experience to comment and constructively criticize the rape culture we have all around us. She is SO bright and thoughtful, and I really am inspired by the way she took something so terrible in her life and is using it to help other people. I believe she can make a difference in the way

It seems weird to me to give a sic to “premedidated” rather than just assuming that what was heard as a d was actually a t?

Yep. She is impressive and inspiring.

I respect her so much. She has some very biting things to say about purity culture in general and it is wonderful.

Keep fucking rocking, Elizabeth Smart! That’s all I’ve got. I have no snark or cynicism to give. Just keep being an amazing human being.

He CAN’T handcuff her! There is a process for contempt of court; he didn’t even charge her with contempt of court. He made her sit in the corner like a fucking toddler in time out. There is no reason why this should have happened.

It’s like he’s a bad person and his eyes are trying to get away.

Even if she was in contempt, I believe there are proper legal procedures to be followed instead of treating her like a child and making her sit in a corner?

Well isn’t this a big steaming pile of WTF ? How can you tell if McAfee is lying ? Is his face-hole thing moving ? Are sounds coming out ? If yes, then this: Yes, he is lying.

You wanna know how to succeed in life? Quit giving people the satisfaction of your reaction. Treat everyone you meet with kindness no matter how much they’ve wronged you. Be the bigger person.

“How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours.”- Wayne Dyer