
Even so, I think on an individual episodic level they ought to add a little more suspense. The Breaking bad train robbery ep comes to mind- running low on chemicals is a problem that *could* be solved offscreen and all in all doesn't matter in the end, but they turned it into one of the most exciting episodes of the

I feel like they're ignoring opportunities to make the plot more engaging. For example: Carrie needs a recorded conversation, which could have been an exciting scene- maybe she breaks in to some locked archive, going rogue in typical Carrie-fashion while Max runs interference. Instead she has a quick conversation with

'He had a sniper rifle trained on your Daddy while we were conceiving you. A front seat to a lot of Mommy and Daddy's relationship- isn't that sweet?' <3 <3 <3

Me too- I don't even mind the slow episodes because I'm tense with anticipation of something going down- Homeland always makes you wait for the big moments!

"someone that Carrie comes home to" That's just what I want from their story- even if Carrie goes overseas, I'd love for her to come home to Quinn.

That's the thing- it's not like Brody where they were struggling with ways to keep him in the story. They had a narratively solid 'out' for Quinn and they didn't take it- they must have something in mind for him.

I do hope they're not gearing Quinn up for a terrorist story of his own- i.e. he becomes radicalized and shoots up a mall or something.

Asking the important questions! haha

Loved this episode, and actually teared up at the last scene. People really need to simmer down with the anger over literally every plot point though- it's only been 2 episodes and things are already being connected up in interesting ways. A good comparison is House of Cards which gets away with the slow-burn because