Pepper Pepper and Bayleaf

@avclub-e56f3c7f583392a5b6796622b4e04cd8:disqus Maybe I'm wrong, I'll have to rewatch, but I thought he was face down and the camera was looking up at him from under the table.

Me too. Hoping that shot of him face down on the table isn't foreshadowing.

Agreed re:Sunny actors. Their characters are repulsive but they absolutely are not. Especially after you watch interviews with them and realize just how intelligent and funny they all are!

It reminded me of last season with "Somebody That I Used to Know" (expecting Gotye, pleasantly surprised by Elliott Smith).

I think it's beyond stupid to try to shame anyone for consensual sex, regardless of gender.

True. But why take the hint when she's making millions of dollars with those songs? Not that I'm a fan.

On the one hand, these fans are batshit crazy and I will never forgive Taylor Swift for saying there's a "special place in hell" for National Treasures Amy Poehler and Tina Fey. On the other hand, this kind of how-dare-she-date-so-many-men slut shaming really bothers me.

Request: Hatesong with PFT as Werner Herzog. Please.

Sean, Tom, Lorenzo, and Beverly Cleary… This is starting to feel like the Tommy Westphall Universe.

Return from whence you came!

"I decided to sleep in the car so my snoring wouldn't bother you, and I left a tape recording of my snoring so you wouldn't know I was gone."

The #BaystwithTybacks?

I'm on board with this, especially if Adriana is revealed to have been a robot all along. The lady needs some backstory.

JACE IS THE WORST. John had a heart attack, what, two days ago? I think any daughter is well within her rights to be acting a little freaked out at that point. He was insufferable from the get-go when he acted like Daphne's first language was a quirky little hobby, but tonight he's graduated to being a total turd, IMO.

Nothing to entice female moviegoers? Don't underestimate the power of Idris Elba! I agree, though; the marketing has been lacking.

"He's one of those guys, who make decisions for primarily selfish reasons and then act like they're some fucking martyr." - Also known as a Michael Bluth Complex.


"Please tell me you don't pity me."
"I don't."
"Because you really know me."
"I do."