I find it interesting that you refer to a fetus in an addict's body as an "innocent human." Would you be comfortable hearing a pro-life individual saying that women shouldn't abort because it would be killing an "innocent human"?
I find it interesting that you refer to a fetus in an addict's body as an "innocent human." Would you be comfortable hearing a pro-life individual saying that women shouldn't abort because it would be killing an "innocent human"?
I too support access to abortion. What I don't support is laws that limit women's options and remove choice.
I have no objection to a woman seeking an abortion for any reason. I also do not want women to be forced into seeking abortions because legislation like this makes their circumstances more dire and their options fewer.
Very true. Also a reason to go slow and use plenty of lube. As if you needed another reason.
1) Doing drugs while pregnant is a bad idea.
Up against nature itself, eh? In that case it must be something that exists in all human cultures, in all time periods.
Yes, it's harassment if someone tells you to stop and you keep doing it. Why is that so hard to figure out?
I got the impression that it wasn't that the tip was bad percentage wise. Like, I don't know how much that soda cost but a dollar probably is at lease 33%. It's the fact that he made a big point of it after making creepy comments at her—like she's supposed to fan herself and drop her drawers because he was generous…
I promise you that phrase is just as annoying to those of us fortunate enough to have a career in a field they love. It's simply not true. I don't care how much you love your "passion," if you're working at it full time there are going to be parts of it that are dull, difficult, even miserable. Just like any job.
As I understand it, the whole point of the hashtag was that it WASN'T lumping all men together, and at the same time it wasn't pretending sexism as a cultural force was just the fault of "a few bad apples." That it was saying, yes NotAllMen sexually assault or harass or demean women for being women, but YesAllWomen…
Do you remember ever reading the story that was from the POV of one of the prisoners performing 110-montauk? (They were never explicit about what he did, though of course we can infer things.) It seriously added to the horror of it all. Knowing any class D in the position was probably a sociopathic sex offender to…
No, evil would be telling people to Google it >:)
You ever notice how much she loves describing the details of whatever violent crime she's condemning? She's practically salivating here. It's really uncomfortable—like hearing someone detail their eighteen-paragraph long plan for what they'd do in a zombie apocalypse, when you realize that they've been thinking about…
"Talk about government overreach! Obama says he's against torture, then he approves procedure 110-montauk?!"
And then Squidward's Suicide was on the news.
We can definitely all be angry, and we all have a lot to be angry about. I'm so sorry you went through that, but I'm glad that you aren't afraid to call what happened to you sexual assault.
Agreed. It's just another way to avoid taking responsibility for your own words and beliefs.
Yeah...and if his argument is saying that you shouldn't use a term like rape to describe sexual harassment and assault because people think of rape as a very specific act...well, maybe he should remember that next time he feels like saying he's just been raped because his party didn't win enough elections or someone…
Kinja's just very upset about this sketch.