
I agree, and I think many who are upset with Princeton Mom would agree, that being feminist in no way excludes marrying young, having children, prioritizing career over family or being a homemaker if that's what you want. If her advice really was just "if you want to get married, start looking in college because there

Well, be that as it may she still tells her "audience" that:

I hear ya. I've been working freelance for a while, which means being self-employed. Sometimes I have less work, sometimes I have more, but it's when I have very little work that I feel inadequate. Like, I feel guilty for having a lot of free time, and feel the need to just be busy and stressed as penance. It's

You can do it! Go forth and take care of yourself for your health and for the sake of the people who love you!

Man, I have enough trouble just supporting myself, I can't imagine how much harder it would be with a kid. You go!

"We're missing the importance of self-care. And we can't blame anyone but ourselves."

Yeah. Is it just because she starred in Twilight? I mean, granted, that's a terrible thing to do, but that hate doesn't seem to have landed on Robert Patterson.

Second hand smoke: The silent head-shrinker.

I think LSD is winning over the "never done either but voting anyway" crowd, because it has a more interesting, storied history. Plus a lot of good music and art gets tied with it. Molly's too young to have built up a rep like that yet.

THANK YOU. Even if this were tequila v. gin, I'll take the piney, herby goodness of gin over pretty much any other hard liquor any day.

Listen, this isn't quaaludes fault. Quaaludes didn't do anything. Quaaludes themselves are innocent in this whole affair ....Buuuuuuut, I don't think anything that has a reputation as a date rape drug is going to win the day on Jezebel.

Thanks for the link! I need commentary with my hate reading.

Seriously. Don't women in North Korea have enough problems to deal with without getting the watery precum of the west that is a PUA on their shoulder?

"She has meaningless sex with men she can't stand sober to fill the widening hole in her soul"

Completely out of left field, I know, but I was under the impression that the gluten-free fad was actually cool for people with celiac because it's made a bigger market demand for gluten-free products?

Yeah...I love wine and I love sweet things, but I think this was a love that was never meant to be. Whiskey in chocolate? That works. Pour some rum into almost any milkshake? Yes. Gin in lemon-flavored shake? I'd try it. Bailey's+basically any dessert? You know it. This? ...I dunno, bro. Wine + dairy kinda makes me

You misunderstand. It doesn't matter who the patient zero was or why they weren't vaccinated, it's not a matter of "blaming" the patient zero. The point is that the virus made its way into the the community and spread in a manner that that has not occurred in decades. There have been at least 11 such outbreaks just of

Really? Interesting. It looks like it belongs on some shitty misspelled tattoo.

That's a fur, isn't it? ...I hope that's a fur.

Yup yup yup. When they say racist/sexist/homophobic shit they're just telling it like it is, and not letting the political correctness thought police stop them. But if you call them a bigot for it you need to be more sensitive.