
My clothing never rips at the knee or becomes “distressed” near the pockets. The fabric just slowly rubs away due to chub rub. My concern with the super distressed ones is I imagine trying to put them on and your foot keeps going through the enormous hole that runs from like your upper thigh to shin.

My grandparents have on of those and I’m not gonna lie, it’s so fun. Wee oo. Wee oo. Throwing away my garbage in outer space.

That’s definitely a funny take on diapers, but also brand loyalty! Some little bums probably do need a special type.

This is the best point. It’s not like once someone walks in and declares they don’t politic, everyone else in the entire federal government is going to suddenly stop politicking either so I don’t get this boo hiss, down with the career politicians thing. We need all parts of the machine moving to get anything done.

Me neither. It was just a bitchy thing to say.

Ahahaha I want this to be true.

UGH hate when people touch a bunch of food on a buffet, snack tray, whatever. My aunt told me a few months after my wedding that my husband’s gran was picking up all the sandwiches on the evening buffet and taking them apart to see if any of them had meat on them (we had a vegetarian wedding and oh my god, his family)

At least she takes responsibility for her own barriers? I used to work at a restaurant that did take out and we had this one woman who would occasionally call in and order a hamburger, with each element needing to be packaged in separate containers. Fries in one, bun in one, patty in one....

I like to do something like this with Reese’s cups. I nibble the tiny ridges pieces at the top, then completely bite the sides off all the way around, and finally try to eat the remaining soft center in small bites.

When I was in college I worked at a shop that supposedly gave you a 30 minute lunch break, but I was more or less told I wasn’t encouraged to actually take it. Instead we were supposed to bring food with us and basically take turns shoving food in our faces for five minutes in the stock room. Fuck that. I quit after a

I have the upper halves of both arms tattooed and that’s just another thing to deal with clothing specification wise plus I live in Virginia (humid af) so I feel you on many counts.

Yep I finished in September. Thanks for the words of encouragement from someone who has been there :)

I have those, too. My favorite was when I dreamt I was eating a large buttery blueberry muffin. Mmm blueberry muffins.

This is weirdly cute.

A few months before my wedding, I had a dream that my mom was really angry at me because I’d forgotten to divorce my high school friend (IRL he is deceased). We’d gotten married in Vegas when we turned 18 as some kind of wild and crazy teenage thing then hadn’t really spoken much after. I had to fly home to find him

OMG fried bread *googly heart eyes*

“There are an awful lot of people out there who think I’m an expert. How do these people believe all this about me? I’m so much aware of all the things I don’t know.” Thanks for the good read. I have a lot going on in life outside of my job hunt and have been feeling like a garbage human under all the pressure, so I

Neat! I hope this is my opening to work up to something bigger that pays more (they’re up for a new strategic plan this year so maybe that could be a place to wiggle in?). I’ll be doing a lot of different things—community outreach with schools & daycare centers, helping with planning of and leading story times and

Hey, we were born the same year!

Dammit. I’m a 38FF and working on weight loss and was really hoping some boob weight would come off, but now I know that may not happen! They make shopping (especially for work clothes, my god) unnecessarily difficult.