What the hell does your comment even mean? I read a book so we have president Trump? I’m surprised that people sympathize with capital over people so we have president Trump? Your comment is indecipherable.
What the hell does your comment even mean? I read a book so we have president Trump? I’m surprised that people sympathize with capital over people so we have president Trump? Your comment is indecipherable.
As of right now, they only make cars. I can replace them with any random. I’m no expert, but I think that international football maybe a more specialized job.
Absolutely terrible call by Labat. I know he had Kings, but in that situation one of the other two just has to have Aces. Even if Zhu has the Aces and Manion has something like Queens or AK, he still only wins the side pot and is about where he started the hand. He had a super healthy stack and only called the open…
Unfortunately, it looks like we are headed that way and the growth industry of private security, armored cars and fortified homes shows that the rich think so too.
I love the picture at the top.
You, friend, have a greater faith in humanity than I.
O-ho, somebody has to got to find out where that money came from. This has got to be brought up at any earrings. I mean, running up the debt is a bad sign in and of itself — for example, it could leave him vulnerable to blackmail.
Irrespective of how it got magically paid back, that’s an outrageous amount of personal debt (not counting student loans or mortgage) for a well-educated, relatively well-compensated, and medically insured professional with children to incur let alone carry. If I could consider personal finances when hiring and a…
And Republicans also used to hate Russians, not fete and praise them, so
What has happened to our country? We used to celebrate British defeat.
You cooking dinner or meth?
He would just start dragging his ass on your floor like a dog. Actually, it wouldn’t surprise me if he already does this.
Jameis Winston and his phony smile and performative enthusiasm are chilling to me.
Like a country of 300 million getting punted by a country of less than 5, from qualifying.
they need to hide some Germans on their team
Lynn didn’t really shop around when she looked for a daycare, did she?
Fox News chyron gettin’ salty!!
Fuck Kevin McHale forever.