You don’t leave it to chance.
You don’t leave it to chance.
I haven’t actually seen any evidence that United’s bookings have been impacted by any of this. And losing $1b in one day is only big if you planned on selling stock immediately.
I’m going with 3-5 M.
+100 pink slips
ESPN isn’t the only sports company changing the way they do business. Deadspin thought it would be a good idea to pack the site with professional video game highlights to “expand their reach” and “draw in younger, tech-savvy audiences”. Buzzwords galore in that meeting for sure, I imagine!
+1 for Fan Appreciation Cocaine Night. +1 more for a Pablo Escobar Bobblehead for the first 5000 fans.
Flights are more puntual due to an accounting trick. The planned duration of most flights are now about 10% longer than 20 years ago. The varianz in flight times is quite high, so the ailines lengthen the slots to increase the number of flights on time. A 2 hour flight is often 20 minutes early and the arrival is…
Wade was fantastic tonight,
“Shame he’s still in high school.” -MLS
You’re in for a treat. One of life’s biggest little pleasures is bringing up those unspoken awkward things from the past and seeing how it all plays out. Go for it. It’s been 20 years. They can’t ground you. You’d be surprised at how often they left things unspoken because they thought they knew what happened. Maybe…
isn’t that just the fact that your peers are older now and have other shit to do, though? It’s easy to go out all day on a sunday and drink and watch your favorite football team or day drink at a ballgame when you are 25 and single. it’s a lot harder when you are 35 and have 2 kids and a mortgage.
Why would they let you do that. ESPN currently charges over $7/month for every cable subscriber, even the ones who don’t want it.
Ding, Ding, Ding!!! When you cut your cable subscription, the $15 we jack your internet rate up is more than the margin we just lost for you dropping cable. Not to mention you probably increased your speed b/c you would be streaming a lot more content so that’s another $20/mo in our pockets.
I bet very few people who work for the major pro sports leagues (including players) have any idea how much of their revenue comes from cable subscribers who aren’t interested in sports. I am interested in sports, and I pay $420+ each year for Sunday Ticket and MLB.TV. But once those prices go up as a result of not…
Because the middleman charges all their customers for ESPN (or other services) whether they want it or not. You would have to sell a lot of individual memberships to make up for that.
If you read between the lines of those who posted on twitter it’s more that these folks were up for contract renewal and ESPN passed on renewing them. If Gruden’s contract wasn’t up it may make more sense to keep it in place until renewal time and not paid the penalties of laying him off. .
I gotta think the sports industry is due for a correction at some point. Salaries, revenues and ad dollars can’t skyrocket forever ... can they?
Fascinating how “cutting executive pay” is always way down the list when it comes to time to pay for bad decisions made by executives.
And yet Stephen A. still has his job...