
You’re laying it on pretty thick there, Mrs Hubbuch.

To be fair, a billionaire owner having 0.1% of his net worth invested in a company that has 1% of its assets invested in a bankrupt casino company as part of a hundred various companies it’s invested in really *shouldn’t* be a story. The story is of course that the NFL are massive hypocrites on the issue, but I think

Eh, it’s also a product of the fact that moving screens apparently no longer exist in the NBA and the man setting the pick is basically a pulling guard in the NFL. Watch a single Warriors game and try to count the number of moving screens. They probably average more than one per possession.

I ranted about this in Slack, but what bothers me about these bullshit foul calls the most (because I am the kind of weirdo who thinks about things in these terms) is: They’re not penalizing defenders for breaking basketball rules. They’re affirmatively rewarding offensive players for successfully play-acting.

I can’t get too worked up about it. The money is going to a good cause. People can ask how the money will be spent and has been spent in the past.

Who said anything about Trump? I didn’t read Trump’s name anywhere in the article. You sound defensive...

Or Roger Ailes. Or Bill O’Reilly. Or Bill Cosby.

Reagan was caught telling stories from his movies as if they had really happened. And no one did anything.

It was pretty widely known, but, as now, the Republicans didn’t care. He even used it as his defense for Iran Contra- he said, “I don’t recall” in regards to what went on during his administration literally hundreds of times. It was so egregious; if he wasn’t criminally liable and lying and therefore impeachable, he

This is the speech pattern that grandpa has right before you have the uncomfortable conversation where you tell him he can’t live by himself anymore.

Still convinced he abuses prescription amphetamines. I feel like he’d see himself as too sophisticated for coke but could easily convince himself some uppers from a doctor are a-ok.

Fuck off. Not the same thing, not by far.

Stop. Hitting. Women.

They said Ronaldo was screaming like Mussolini on the balcony. I think it was around minute 83. Their references are hilarious

He’s so incredibly stupid it makes me feel both extremely happy yet even more saddened when he speaks. He’s obviously got a sub-100 IQ. It’s amazing nobody seems to have ever played back some of his greatest hits so he can witness the black hole of incoherent stupid that he is.

When your confined in an areoplane with abusive uniforms in charge it all your business

What stops her from leaving is an ironclad pre nup which will remove all that money she loves so much.

Melania is straight out of the Trump myth-making machine, just like every other Trump. His daughter is a “brilliant confident successful business wizard” (runs a knock-off clothes, shoes and handbag company daddy paid for). His sons are “successful executives” (mouth-breathing cretins given easy cushy jobs courtesy of

Oh what planet pre-Presidency is Trump more famous than Tom Cruise?

she spouts the same racist shit he does