People [shrugs]

Maybe it's the pints but lol.

Incredibly weak selection. I guess this is the peril of employing most 20-somethings.

They do that sometimes, one off capering…

I don't know… I mean I understand why you'd say that, but a few episodes back she seemed unwilling to do that, meaning she knew it was wrong… So maybe she has a pretty negative view of her own past behavior and doesn't feel she can judge someone she loves all that harshly.

I don't think Jimmy is capable of that much deception with Kim, because as Chuck says he eventually feels guilty, etc.

I wouldn't say Jimmy was being mean, more like vindictive. Chuck, was only ever half a good guy, and the other half of him has treated Jimmy horribly, and conspired against him, over and over again.

I met Yorke a fee times back in the PH days. Very very nice and sincere.

One of the best episodes of TV we're likely to see this or any year. Truly.

Loved this episode, and actually liked almost all the Mack and Hope stuff, including Mack's suicide. It's pretty brutal, and as a parent I sat there for a minute trying to decide what I'd do… probably choose (real) life, but… the love for and of a child is pretty damn intense.

It's a toss up between:

Finally Syfy or whatever is back to having something very very good.

And even it was merely ok.

B+ relative to what? A kick in the teeth?

The Michael Moore stuff is FANTASTIC! Sooooo funny. My God.

Just an FYI to everyone, as I've seen a few comments worth remarking on.

Glad you're doing this… shame that AVClub isn't!

One of the best 80s movies.


Why stop coverage? It's the best summer show BY FAR! And you know, back in the 80s (and continuing through to now if you live outside of the US) these sorts of genre mashups are prevalent… US reviewers always seem so annoyed/confused by them, and almost demand a cohesion that isn't necessary. And in fact making this

Another show that's gonna be hated until it's gone - then it's gonna be praised posthumously and people will agitate for it to be rebooted on Netflix, etc.