your ICE is NOT more green than a Hybrid, you f'ing idiot

Any Trump sticker. (But I’m sure I’m not the first to say that here.)

Unless it’s this.

NSFW or anywhere else . . .

Ugh, yes. Unless they’re paying me, they need to keep that shit off my car.

Saw this one on a pickup last week:

The one the dealer puts on when you buy your new car/truck.

Then don't read the internet at work if an emoticon is enough to get you fired

You are believing the study that did no real-world testing of its own, failed to control for things like regenerative braking or types of brake pads/tires, and makes controversial claims because........

“‘We found that non-exhaust emissions, from brakes, tyres and the road, are far larger than exhaust emissions in all modern cars.”