How is what they said rasict
How is what they said rasict
Really like the bankrupcy bill. U realize that u comenting on every single article to defend hillary and ignoring legit critzicsm of hillary makes people dislike her more not less.
Yeah, untill she gets in the white house and supports TPP again. Which will happen.
Its valid the reason this is even happening is because white women where attacked by brown men. I highly doubt this car would be happening if it was reversed.
No its not.
Not voting for hillary and voting for trump are two different things.
What? Bernie has said how ever gets the nomination we need tonrally around them. I highly doubt he agrees with this.
No one is saying that but u.
Umm, obama is a moderate and the republicans wont compromise with him. The republicans hate hillary and this idea that she will accomplish a lot of things on the behalf of womwn and POC is laughable. Also, hillary is going to get the nomination, bernie isnt going to make up of the delagate count, bur him staying in…
Whre is the evidence ahe can be pushed left.
Her plan in no way will leave most debt free.
Like most of the stuff hillary wants to do has a chance passing. I have no problen with hillary changing with the times my issue is with hillary supporters thinking she's going to improve the lives of women by just being in office.
Supporting capital punishment and taking money from private prisons are just two reasons i dont support her. Also before u call me a bernie bro, i sont aupport sanders either. Non of his ideas have a chance of happening.
They have written nice things about her.
How is hillary going to achieve anything.
Arent u they fool too. U engaged with them.
U can disagree with what they said but how is what they said homophobic or misogynistic.
U can be white and mexican, mexican isnt a race.
But white women being equal to white men doesnt help women of color though. White women are allowed to complain and face discrimination.