Penny Dreafull

LOL @ the durable hair part. My sister fucked up her American Girl doll’s hair so badly that my parents had to send it to a doll fixing shop place in Ohio to get it fixed.

It’s a weird process in and of itself, when you really think about it. YOU MADE A PERSON WITH YOUR BODY. And now you are responsible for keeping alive!!! Whaaaaaat???

“DTF” means more than sexually active, it implies casual sex without consequences, something the GOP is opposed to (for women at least). Plus part of the official GOP platform is that pornography is a public health crisis, that doesn’t help attract wanton women.

My friend and I were talking about this the other day. We are both in our late 30's and she has a kid. We specifically talked about how our parents were at our age and how much older they seemed than we thought we seemed. Did they just seem older from our perspective? Or were they truly more boring and stuffy than we

Suicide Squad, a wacky caper in which a goth lit major and an Insane Clown Posse devotee get together to fix Jared Leto’s hair crisis.

I love assertive old women. They remind me of my grandma and aunties. My aunt R said and did anything she wanted. She went back to law school in her 50s. When someone had the nerve to say she took a spot that should have gone to someone younger, they got the rough side of her tongue. That never happened again.

I had a little mental skip because I do that stuff at a plastic surgeon and only use the dermatologist for skin care/cancer screenings (and do almost everything he says, except for an occasional night in my eye makeup)

She was the best part of Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf’s.


I woke up and read this story on CNN. It left me teary and angry. A young woman with opinions murdered by her own brother just for being a young woman with opinions. The waste, the loss... it’s hard to process. How does a society hope to thrive if it threatens half its members with murderous violence for the crime of

So do I, most days. And I am one.

I hate men.

As a straight woman; I don’t want to think about him in any sex act

I don’t want to think about Donald Trump sucking cock, though. At all. Ever. As a gay, I don’t think I should have to think about that.

After careful consideration, and hour long (coughthreesecondscough) deliberation, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that I’m all:


those are all the reasons I plowed my garden under this year and signed up for a CSA instead. Also, I am lazy.

Ugh. I’m a carnivore but I’ve put myself on a 2 year plan to go vegan, starting with eating vegetarian 2 days per week. Thanks for kicking my schedule up a notch today, the slaughter and mayhem needs to stop.

I decided to read it not as Claire being a distant mother, so much as Brianna being a 20-year-old and working through some shit and deciding “my mom has always been distant” when in fact it’s more like, she’s been able to tell for a while now that there’s a deep sadness in her mom that surfaces sometimes and it freaks