Penny Dreafull

I saw a sign on some pastries at Panera the other day that had a sign on them which said “gluten-conscious”—maybe that’s kinkier than GF.

never have I encountered a pursuit of orgasm that seems so completely exhausting as this.

“Even when I worked in PC World I would sometimes walk up to people and nip at their shirt. I got in trouble once; someone walked into the PC repair centre and I had part of their dad’s computer in my mouth. But the other staff knew I was like that to everyone. They didn’t find it weird.”

Not entirely on my own merits, but after two weeks of flirting with hospital admission for preeclampsia, the doctor put me on blood pressure meds and they started working today. 117/77! We’re looking to make it to June, and this gives us a fighting chance.

I adopted kitties this week! Pet thread?

Hi Jez friends! Happy SNS! This is your Brag Thread. Any grand accomplishments, big or small, you want to brag about but haven’t yet found an acceptable outlet in which to do so? My brag: I posted a Facebook status this week basically stating that supporting Trump for president is condoning the violence that his

She’s going to cherish her memory of being on the show and high school will fade away for her like it does for everyone else.

The popular blogger Joanna Goddard has two young boys and she has written about her experience with PPD in a very honest, accessible way, if you’re interested in reading:

She is too rich and young to have the same hair since 2006.

Eh his face always reminded me of an uncircumcised penis with an overly large foreskin.


I am now looking for a gif of an asshole that can’t get out of its own way.


I don’t have children, but based on my own experiences 1. women who have children must only ever be joyful and doting over their baby or they’re a bad mother, 2. women are expected to have a child at some point and anyone is allowed to comment on that fact without stopping to think that the woman may be having trouble

Hello all,

Post-partum depression, infertility and miscarriage are three things that affect scores of women and yet there’s still a bizarre sense of shame that many women feel when talking openly about their experiences. I’m always happy when people in the public eye work towards de stigmatizing topics that shouldn’t be taboo in

Kudos to Hayden for sharing her story about post-partum depression - that can’t be an easy thing to do. I’m glad more women are coming forward about their experiences, and normalizing it. Hopefully it will lead to more compassion and assistance for them.

Seriously, these comments drive me nuts, and I’ve been seeing them on several recent news articles involving teens doing truly awful things. Killing a person while you beat her is not teenager behavior. Teenager behavior is grabbing a pack of beer and running out of the store. I mean, you’d think that killing would

I had a friend want me to go with her so her and I could work out our friendship issues. I blatantly said I don't need some stranger to facilitate that conversation but I am happy to talk to you one on one anytime. Because at that point I didn't really know what Landmark was but from what she had been telling me, my