Penny Dreafull

Here's what I posted on i09 this morning:

So we've become so snarky we'll get a quarter million people to request a harmless canadian popstar be deported..How many signed that petition to have the KKK listed as a terrorist organization?

That drives me crazy. No one wants to see your toilet and/or its accessories.

Isha, as an Indian-American woman, I remember my mother insisting I wear a bindi "for decoration" with my lengha or salwaar kameez for some Hindu function, temple, party, or what have you. Both my parents are well educated, but even they didn't think much about the cultural significance of the bindi, nor would they

Codeine and hydrocodone were the most commonly taken drugs; women typically took the drugs for less than a week.

I can't imagine. I substitute teach and sometimes I'm surprised how many of the teachers still have a sense of humor.

Uh, it's already not recommended that people who are currently sick get vaccinated. And those with compromised immune systems are not necessarily recommended to vaccinate, either. Those are basic vax guidelines, and those people DO have that right, which is why it's so shitty for so many other people who are perfectly

I have a naturalized crop that I've inherited from my grandparents that I collect seed from and replant each year. A neighbor plants your shit on his land, and now my seeds allow a large multi-national with infinite resources to sue me for infringement, even though I've only done what I've always done, for

GMOs are one of the single most dangerous technologies for food security—and it has nothing to do with their alleged "safety."

I'm not a fan of the "all GMO foods are evil poison" contingent. I remember when that ship full of grain (or was it corn?) was sent to some famine-stricken country in Africa and our scaremongers managed to convince them to reject it, and I raged. But this is beyond ridiculous. Aren't these the people who trumpet about

This is why I taught my daughter at around 12 years old that if she didn't have enough money to leave a 20% tip, that she didn't have enough money to go to a restaurant! It is bad enough having to wait on teenagers, when they don't tip it is just the straw that breaks the camel's back!

International Male was my favorite. I legit did not realize who the target audience for that catalog was. I thought it was just "European".

my glance falls down the cone and starts focusing on the dress. If they had a face, my brain is wired to look at it. All of our brains are, so I kinda get it from a design/advertising perspective. The focus is on the garment(s) and not the creepy-ass dead stare of the mannequin

Can we talk about that green dress made for a six-breasted junior?

That's actually an interesting outtake from the Pew report: "Stay-at-home fathers, while not the focus of this report, represent a small but growing share of all stay-at-home parents."

Anecdata: I used to nanny for four kids. The oldest watched no TV as a baby, but the younger ones watched plenty. (Wonder why ;)). Now, scattered between the ages of 13 to 7, they all have varying levels of willingness to read. The oldest NEVER reads, the 2nd oldest is a voracious reader, the 3rd reads his required

I'm glad someone else is following the "no TV before 2" recommendation. We're doing that with our son (we've made it 10 months!) and have received criticism and push-back everywhere.

I will never allow my children (if/when I have them) to play on any kind of iphone/ipad/whatever the hell else we'll have invented by then. You get a book thank you very much. Anyone who grew up in the explosion of the internet/technology can tell you how addicted to, not to mention distracted by, their phones/instant