Penny Dreafull


So sorry you had to deal with that. Best of luck to you and your family!

I feel you!

I’m afraid!


I sent emails I was not in the mood for, took my 2 year old to the 4H fair, and went to therapy. (Tooting own horn)

Holtzmann was HOT.

Sorry for your loss. I always like seeing your comments; I wish you the best.

Nice of you to ask! Well, and hope you are too!

Drinking rum though I have to be up early at my farm job tomorrow. Cupcake chasers.

I have not found a good substitute to a good zit pop.

I hate to admit I love when my daughter and I match. Der.

I’m hitten’ the Fresca hard tonight. (I have work in the early AM and last night it was beer beer beer.)

Oh goodness! Best of luck to you! Weekly meditation has been one of the best forms of self-care I’ve done. And naps. Vitamin E oil may help you skin re-hydrate, but check to see if it’s an OK combo with your other meds. Sending positive thoughts to your speedy recovery!

What a douche.

I know dude!

Love “forced-birthers.” Maybe if he promised not to talk?

I gave birth to a human and two years later it’s still weird!

Nothing is honorable about murder. Jeeze what a waste.

I support your team.