Penny Dreafull

Very excited for this, hope it does not disappoint! (I used to hid my rap CD's under my bed and turned it down for every bad can imagine how shitty this made NWA sound. And Lil' Kim.)

What do you call diarrhea at Disney? My brother had that. This picture may look like whatever that word is.

Run, Run, as fast as you can....

Again, the fact that anit-vaxxers equate the autism spectrum as worse then death is so repulsive. I have to wait six more months for my daughter to get her MMR and this makes me so upset.

You are awesome.

I love you.

What a spoiled, self entitled asshole.


Not to mention faux goods are almost always produced in sweat shops, often by children or slave workers. :(


Yea...dude. I lost 15lbs on WW and kept it off until I got pregnant, stopped WW and only gained 30lbs when pregnant. I'm about to go back on to loose the baby weight. That shit works because burn more then you consume. It's really the only diet that makes sense. I lost 15lbs on WW and kept it off until I got pregnant, stopped WW and only gained 30lbs when pregnant. I'm about to go back on to loose the baby weight. That shit works because burn more then you consume. It's really the only diet that makes sense.

Holy Shit, I love goats.


I'm so happy you got to see this stoned. :)

What a pig.

Fascinating, thank you!

you win

Ug. Thanks for reporting Jason. I want so much for women to enjoy gaming; yet I almost wonder what they expect from games like the GTA many games are flawed from the beginning beginning. I feel us lades need to start a whole separate sphere if we want to have a safe place.

oh hell no.