Penus Fyre

I haven’t been wearing lipstick much lately but I decided in honor of the day I would go full out and wear my fanciest lipstick, which is the Red Velvet Besame I bought after learning it’s what Agent Carter wears because I am a sheep and Hayley Atwell is gorgeous.

I haven’t been wearing lipstick much lately but I decided in honor of the day I would go full out and wear my

I loved her look and I’m a dude. Like a Steampunk Annie Hall. Also, did anyone catch that they did her hair like Egon from “The Real Ghostbusters” cartoon?

Sweet! I’m glad we had this talk

They’ve already been paid, your conscience is clear.

These stories are doing an excellent job of talking me out of seeing this movie.

I’ve been interested in it. All this nonsense does is whittle away at that interest.

I feel like you guys are falling hard for some marketing by the studio.


Always enjoyed that quote.

I know what that’s like.

Fucking hell, ENOUGH already with this “viral marketing” bullshit, trying to make the movie seem “controversial” so people will be interested in seeing it.

“My dear boy, why don’t you just try acting?”

Calling it now: Kurt Russell is Khan.

Might want avoid the entire internet then.

the Queen of Snapchat.

You can also find them in photoshop

I’m not really onboard with the live action DC universe, but I’d watch the fuck out of My So-Called Life With Batman!