Penus Fyre

She always said that there’d been one phone call, just that it never included talking about the offending line or playing the song for her, which according to the leaked videos still stands as true.

yeah i’m not sure if she’s being a master manipulator or she was trying to play the cool girl and then realized she wasn’t comfortable with it. (third option - she agreed and then her team said that was a bad move). if the latter, thennnn that effing sucks and should be talked about.

It's getting fucking tough to hate Kim.

Why I’m a 34 year old woman who is completely enthralled by this ridiculousness is beyond me but pass the popcorn!! Additionally- the tweets all night were HILARIOUS! I’d rather laugh about this and Colbert crashing the RNC than continue to see people getting shot at and the world engulfed in flames. Thanks for the

I thought he was some weird Heat/Snow Miser combo.

I assume it was all the spice he consumed living with the Fremen.

sooo... bj or anal?

Thank you so much for continuing to dig and report on this. I am a multi generation Floridian and what’s happening here is a legit disaster that no one seems to care about. I know Florida is great fuel for joke and stories, and rightly so. Its fucking crazy here. But it is also, undoubtedly, one of the most beautiful

Bruh... tree came out of nowhere

All the points for you

The timing on this reboot couldn’t be better.

I cannot star this enough. What the hell is this? This article made me so mad. All it says is: hey, these things suck. Then it shows a bunch of products that appeal to different demographics than that to which the “writer” belongs. Vegan jerky and light up gloves sound cool to me. This was so pointless I cannot in

i 100% am sure aaron is gay from my extensive celeb gossip research

I wonder how much people would pay for Jeeter to piss on them.

Instead of just accepting this, we can say fuck it and continue the good fight. Assholes exist, but we can’t let them control what and how we do things

I agree with you but I still hope it is crazy white MFs because I am tired and I think if it is PoC then there will be more of a shitstorm.

You are of course right - but someone had to make the obvious (tasteless) joke.


Looks like an opal.

Thank you. You know what I think I'm going to do? I'm going to show my wife your response.