
If there's no mid stage arena where I can spend hours maxing out all my characters I could bring only to start over again because I permanently lost a character to a brutal 2% crit hit after missing a 97% chance to hit I'll be sorely disappointed. 

would you say then...that the people hopping out of the helicopter were para-legals?

Concerned parents, eh? Are there any other kind? I’d like to hear from unconcerned parents for a change. Just once.

Nope. Her modesty talk/slut shaming during MeToo makes her a dumpster fire pairing with the “no preggo models” guy.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a writer come into their own and find their unique voice as quickly and completely as Ash. Seems like she became a pillar around here almost instantly, and deservedly so.  

Also your finding Cynthia Harrell was one of the best things I “witnessed” through Kotaku in many years.

Black Woman to be Missed by Audience Members With Good Taste

Can we not pretend there's such a thing as "trickle-down social justice" lol? Even if she wins its not going to help small content creators afford to sue DISNEY. 

The laughing scene is great! I never understood how anyone could witness it in context and not be charmed and amused by it.

You don’t remember in 15 when that one dude’s name I don’t remember and the other dude’s name I don’t remember cook together until it fades to black?


My great aunt is in her 90's but absolutely remembers when they got vaccinated against had to carry your card, and people were HAPPY about it because it meant a deadly and crippling disease would soon be gone.

I think Square is legitimately deathly allergic to using the original pixels art. Like if they ever release a Final Fantasy with the original assets, the entire office will seize, collapse, and die. That’s the only explanation I can think of for every single re-release being uglier in some different way every single

Sorry, Patrick Morrisey is absolutely wrong. Of course states should “vote with their wallet” in banning state funded travel to states that implement heinous policies.

It’s very case-by-case on the PS1. Some genres like shooters were still finding their feet on consoles, but RPGs like Final Fantasy 7 and platformers like Crash Bandicoot still hold up very well - not least because many of them had polished SNES franchises among their predecessors/influences.

WHO ASKED HIM? He profited off Britney and Janetsdownfall” for fucking decades. Stick to cheating on your wife, not vaccinating your brats and making boring music, Justin. Nobody gives a shit about your opinion on a teenage ex you exploited for profit.

Man, I don’t like Britney. But she made the music, she went on tour, she put in the hours. Her family literally leeched off her (I'm looking at you too, Jamie Lynn). She made the money. If she's batshit crazy, it's her money. It's her life. Let her live. Leave her alone. 

God I wish someone would call me a twink again.

It’s a “look” more than anything, but it tends toward being more non-masculine presenting. The people complaining about being called a “twink” tend to be folks that care more about masc-presenting and are only insulted by being called it because they think being a twink is somehow a bad thing.

As someone on Twitter pointed out, Supernatural going from "queerbaiting" directly to "bury your gays" is just so Supernatural.