This guy is like real life Ali-G.
This guy is like real life Ali-G.
You say “detached”, I say “highly adjustable”.
All it’s missing is the “Grocery Getter” sticker I would put on the rear window.
12:30 mark gets a little scary
In my best Crocodile Dundy accent, “Thet’s nowt a buwnout. This is a buwnout!”
I am all about STEM education and trying to get kids interested in something other than Fortnite, but yeah, you could have crushed anything.
Maybe lightweight is referring to the type of customer they anticipate ordering this package?
I am mostly amazed the video wasn’t in portrait mode.
“Roads!? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!”
This was well done and pretty funny. And anyone fooled by those stupid Chevy commercials deserves to drive a Chevy.
Correct. Dampening is when you get something wet.
This is almost as bad as the new pick-up truck grill growth.
And the centered up single exhaust outlet looks like it’s about to take a poop.
I have seen this face before.
This image was captured of one of the fuel stealing gangs.
He sure got down under that sign.
The 2019 Harley-Davidson (insert model here) Is Far Too Expensive.
Fortunately, Data East prevailed in court this time around. I say “fortunately” because I believe that had Capcom prevailed here, it would have had a chilling effect on video game creation.
I am all about redundancy. If my jackstands were to fail, I have my hydraulic jack in place to save my ass.
But when will the flying version be available?