
Here is 100% of Bernie appeal (or at least for a lot of people): he found a way to make white “progressives” feel like the most oppressed people in America. Or, at least, if people of color have it slightly worse than white people, it’s exactly the same forces hurting everyone roughly equally. Therefore, white people

“I can literally list 100 things Bernie Sanders has done for the cause. No other politician comes close, if only for the reason that nobody has been in it as long.”

I could literally list 100 things Sanders has done for the cause.

Am white, hetero, and male; I’ve already won in life. I agree and would be delighted to let literally anyone other than those like me have a go at running things.

The question is, if you're right-wing, why are you here? Fuck off and stop obsessing over ppl who dont give a shit about you. You won't find us on Breitbart or Stormfront. 

Welcome to the left. You must be new here.

That, his Yes vote on the 1994 Crime Bill, and his spotty-at-best record on gun control.

He understands it just fine and he hates it. That’s why he’s always chasing Trump voters.

“You know,” Sanders explained, “there are a lot of white folks out there who are not necessarily racist who felt uncomfortable for the first time in their lives about whether or not they wanted to vote for an African-American.”

he should have just sat there and ate his food.

And wouldn’t have, despite what Bros say about how he would have beat Trump.

He moved to Vermont in the first place to get away from black people. Too bad he doesn’t understand that POC are literally the Democratic Party’s base.

I’ve defended Bernie Sanders on this website plenty of times because of his support for economic justice issues like wage and wealth inequality, corporate corruption and taxing the rich. I also support his progressive polices like Medicare for all, tuition-free college and getting big money out of politics.

What makes me sick is that he campaigned with Gillum. He used Gillum to famewhore and then when he thought Gillum lost used that as a way to cape for racists. I hope the black millennials who bought into Bernie’s bullshit see what he’s really about now. This man is not an ally. He’s just Trump without the dementia.

He continues to disappoint.

Stuff like this is why he won’t get elected President.

FFS the solution to “white people are uncomfortable voting for PoC” is to run more PoC until they get comfortable. To run away and throw PoC under the bus is some next level bullshit. I’m really disheartened that so many in the far left are just so utterly clueless about race in this nation.

So at what point will white people look at these various slip-ups and gaffes and excuses about he “misspoke” and “what he really meant was” and all the other stuff surrounding Bernie and say “hey, maybe he has an issue speaking about race”.

Perhaps he’d prefer the term “wypipo.”

And they seem to forget, in their blind hate of all things Hillary, that he LOST. Without even arguing whether she was a good candidate or not, he lost to the woman that was so “horrible”. Like, he wasn’t even good enough then to be considered the better choice when the people were given a choice.