
My guess is that, in his mind, legalizing gay marriage removes the stigma from gay sex (which seems to be the only part of gay relationships conservatives think about). If the stigma is removed (again, guessing his rationale), then ostensibly straight men would push to have some side action since (apparently, in his

I think they figure xth-wave femme lesbians love her and are at least 33% of the key demographic for another Charlie’s Angels film.

> Meaning, a job, being sanitary, a car, and basic emotional adjustment aren’t selling points.

If you’re having a heart attack, the cat will just paw at you then have lunch, tho.

I’d sooner take medical advice from this Miranda Bailey.


They need to make sure it’s set back in the 1970s/80s, like the original show.

Exactly. I firmly believe that vaccinations do NOT CAUSE autism. I’d rather have a kid who doesn’t get killed by a preventable disease even if it did.

I’ll never understand how people who make these arguments miss the main, glaring fallacy in their logic: the assumption that the only possible reason for romantic relationships and marriage is sex. Under that assumption, this all makes sense. Who needs a relationship when you can get sex without one?

But that’s some

Yea, not to brag, but I provide a pretty good life for myself as a single gal. I bring in a decent income, have a vehicle I like, I can rent a nice apartment, I have my own Netflix account, I can buy myself stacks and stacks of books to read in peace and quiet, and I never have to clean up after someone who isn’t me

Online porn has made sexual experience more widely and easily available too. A laptop never says no, and for many men, virtual women are now genuine competition for real partners.

These people have blood on their hands. Actual people have died due to their inability to accept that they were wrong. See also: Jenny McCarthy.

If you continue to give this man, who admittedly falsified his research, a platform, then you’re no better than an anti vaxxer yourself.

Charlie is Jessica Walter.

I thought the whole idea of Charlie’s Angels is they are beautiful bubbly fun people.

Agreed. Also, here is my question for everyone: I know she won an Oscar for her breakout role, but have we actually seen Lupita in enough roles to call her “over qualified”? She’s been in 6 things since 12 Years a Slave, half of which were voice work. She’s talented, don’t get me wrong, and I am a big fan of her work,

Then she’ll complain in Vogue about how much it sucks to be famous and how she just wants to act, man, and why does she have to put up with all the bullshit just because she did a cash grab on a piece of shit franchise role?

She gladly let LGBT+ people die of HIV/AIDs for years because she didn’t see them as people.

Can we trade Ivanka and Jared for Megan and Harry. I would much rather my taxes foot their bill.