
Before I began smoking, which lasted about six or so years, my best friend did. We attended an immensely crowded university in which we were enrolled in many of the same classes. This was nearly thirty years ago, and though pariah status wasn’t as strong as it is today, it was close.

On walks my friend and I often pass by nearby hospital entrance that has a lot of in/outpatients lounging around outside for air and sun. At least once or twice a month well see a patient/outlier down by the parking garage, in a hospital gown or sick sweats, sort of hiding out. He/she is usually disconnected from the

I love seeing smoking in film. I fell back into smoking after quitting for a little bit and goddamn people treat you like fucking shit if you’re a smoker. Even if you’re a courteous smoker who doesn’t smoke around other people. If they have ANY idea that you smoke they immediately shun you. I think people hate smokers

The only thing I could think of is if something happened that directly impacted a lot of congress people. There was one repub congressman who was anti-gay marriage, anti-gay rights, etc until his son came out - he changed his tune real fast.(can’t remember exactly who but someone from Wisconsin maybe?). A fucking sad

Not to mention he’s probably as dumb as a bag of hammers.

‘What sort of woman would do something like this to another woman

If only someone at this party had been armed... they would have gotten shot anyway because the attackers had the element of surprise and life isn’t an action movie where people are ready to pull out their weapon and return fire on an instants notice.

It’s horrible but statistically women are much more likely to be murdered by husbands, boyfriends, or exes than random break ins (or terrorism.) So it’s the natural thought. Of course the federal government is now gutting DV programs.

Nothing happened after Sandyhook, so it’ll never happen.

My dad was raised by an alcoholic, was beaten by him and his older brothers, and generally had a completely shitty life. He turned into an upstanding, awesome guy and his brothers turned into shitty alcoholics like their dad. Same parents, same genes, same home, and completely different outcomes.

Yes. Heaven forbid we say truthful things like some animals cannot be trained out of aggression or trauma. Better to let people adopt potentially dangerous animals than assume they can figure out that this trainer was talking about a situation that can happen SOMETIMES. What. A. Dick.

I dunno, I keep seeing people using the fact that Dunham took the dog everywhere, including work engagements, as proof the dog was fine, but isn’t it more likely that part of the problem was that she could never leave him home alone (or with any other person)?

But maybe the fact that she kept him for four years means that she tried a bunch of things and didn’t give up on him easily? There is a charitable interpretation of this.

Sounds like you have some serious dog-parenting skills!

I have had a foster dog for 3 years. He can’t leave, and I can’t formally adopt him yet because of his behavioral issues. He was gentle and friendly in the shelter— because he’s an extremely sensitive dog, and when you separate him from me, he shuts right down. The rescue and I have worked with 3 dog trainers, and

But... you still don’t know her dog.

She has insanely low standards. But also, butt stuff.

Who ever could have guessed things would turn out the way they did?!?

Butt stuff.

1) I am unable to keep up with rapper names and genuinely thought Ferrari in question was the Italian car maker, so trying to parse what I was reading was... Difficult at the beginning.