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    I used to think ‘mama bear’ referred to heroic feat she of maternal strength like lifting a car, or fighting off a kidnpapper or car jacker to protect your ‘cub’...or at least that’s what I used to imagine when I heard it said.

    I just now noticed my typos...dammit.

    Can you stage an intervention?

    I’ve been cheated on. It stung because I knew her, but it’s not like we were friends, I’d know there was somoweird from the beginning...but SHE wasn’t the the one who was supposed to love me. She was just an acquaintance with equally questionable taste. It never crossed my mind to be mad at her. Just annoyed.

    I figured that out at 12...I’ve never understood adult women who didn’t realize his.

    All shaming does is teach people to hide their shame (or addiction or disorder)...sometimes I wonder if that’s the end goal for some ‘concerned’ trolls. Making it ‘go away’ seems as useful to them as actually treating and or resolving the issue. Maybe it’s even preferable to treatment, because hiding it is faster and

    My dad says he *hates* the cat but also sends two or three pictures a week of cute things she does or ‘hilarious’ tricks she learned. He’s so in love with the cat, and so embarrassed by it.

    I would think publicly supporting a man credibly accused of rape (and who personally admitted to at least some form of inappropriate sexual contact) would be considered more ‘disrespectful to (actual) rape victims’...but what do I know? I don’t even have a penis.

    I saw a raccoon murder a small dog once. The raccoon pushed the dog into a lake and then watched him drown...it was kind of terrifying.

    Agreed. Benedryl knocks me out harder than ambian or Valium ever has.

    The closest I’ve ever been to physically fighting someone was a situation similar to yours. My neighbor’s dog broke through my fence and attacked my cat who was sunning on an enclosed patio. Luckily my cat managed to get out of his jaw and as I ran out to ‘save’ him, but my neighbor claiming they shouldn’t be

    I’m a newbie to thigh rub so this probably isn’t a ‘hot tip’ but I’m pregnant in California and my thighs recently started rubbing together in the summer heat. I’d recalled hearing about anti rub sticks but didn’t see any at the store. So, I bought a stick of dove deodorant (sample size in fresh cucumber or

    Man? Sounds like a HERO.

    That’s the exact reason I gave my kid my husband’s name. No one ever questions me but they double check his connection every time.

    I kept my name but gave my child my husband’s last name, it wasn’t ever a discussion or issue other than I assumed it would be harder for him to do certain things if he didn’t have the same name as our child (pick up or drop off from school or events, dr visits, etc.).

    I was going to post similar and was checking comments to make sure it hadn’t already been said. Damn you, nerdybirdy, you beat me before I even finished formulating my joke.

    WHAT are mermaid thighs?! I’m confused, and excited, and maybe jealous...maybe just hungry. I can’t tell.

    My ex wasn’t violent to me but he was emotionally abusive and manipulative and because I was in my late teens/early 20's I didn’t quite realize how fucked up and harmful that was. He would threaten to kill himself whenever I tried to break things off, so I would back down and apologize for ‘hurting him like that.

    I want to sleep in my stomach so badly...I dream about it more than my future baby or sex with celebrities.

    I’m only 6 months along and I forget I’m even pregnant sometimes. I threw up twice and took several naps for a while in my first trimester but other than that (and feeling the baby wiggle around) it hasn’t been that big of an issue. I just bought a pair of maternity jeans and a few gigantic bras but most everything