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    I clarified in the exact same paragraph with ‘only in the sense of wanting to touch or hold someone who nurtured you’ not excusing fucking, not saying it made sense or was okay because it would have been a switched gender dynamic, just acknowledging that a weird closeness (again, closeness, not sex) might make more

    Every time I’ve heard a story like this (a friend or family member looks to have tubal ligation and is refused) it’s always a male doctor. I’ve never known a woman refused the procedure by a female practitioner, even when the hospital it would have happened at does not allow the procedure, the female doctor will find

    I’m almost six months pregnant and pre-pregnancy I LOVED smoking. Pretty much at anytime. I miss it so much...even so, I always hated indoor smoking (bar excluded). It hurt my eyes to be in an enclosed space filled with smoke for an extended time. Plus indoor smoking seems to make it stick on your skin and clothing so

    My family treats cars like lifetime investments, or a pet. You love it and enjoy it until it starts gasping and leaking...only then do you consider when you might need a new one. We mourn our cats. It’s not a ‘money issue’, it just the way we were raised.

    A family friend finally gave birth after IVF, she had some issues from PCOS but they (and later drs) wasted 10 YEARS looking at her fertility without ever testing her husband.

    I didn’t care about showers or bachelorette parties very much, and none of my bridesmaids or MOH were great planners/experienced at weddings so I can’t think of anything they did that I needed or didn’t do myself because that’s not really how we/they are...

    I’m 5'1 and even though I’m pretty slim I still looked more pregnant at 10 weeks. I’m 18 weeks now and probably twice her size.

    I wish I was surprised that one of the first comments on a FGM article was about the damage done to penises, but I’m not.

    I read something once that said the slip and fall from the bed pole was real and that’s why Arnold’s character fumbled the recorder, because he thought the scene would be cut and went to help. The story said the director and cast thought it was funny and kept it...I’m not sure if that’s true, but I always liked that

    Take a benedryl. Works better than any rx sleep aid I’ve ever used.

    My husband tries to trick me like ‘oh no! I forgot the milk!’ Or ‘I didn’t know you wanted take out too!’ But he’s a terrible liar and not only (always) keeps the milk or take out awkwardly behind his back for the ‘aha!’ reveal, he also has a really hard time not smiling or giggling.

    Are your joking? Feet, hands, legs, and arms get body lotion (sometimes tummy and back depending on weather). Face, neck, and chest get face lotion.

    My best friend from childhood recently admitted that’s something she and her husband do...I was pretty shocked, mostly because she can’t even say ‘having sex’ without whispering and or replacing it with a vague trailing off sound or gesture, but also seems to HATE even minor discomfort (like tiny scrapes or bruises).

    I can write it on some duct tape...that’s just as good, right?

    My mom and grandma had a lorn of issues with childbearing (miscarriage and stillborn) so I wasn’t worried so much about getting pregnant as I was being able to stay pregnant. Pretty much my entire 20's, even though I wasn’t ready to have kids.

    My motto is: I’m not paying YOU to shove your dick in my face. You pay ME for that.

    My husband went baby crazy 4 years before I was even willing to try. Now that I’m pregnant he’s the one nesting and going nuts on baby proofing our house. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that my ‘bump’ is actually full of baby and not burrito.

    My best friend is black and Asian (as far as she knows) and very much considers herself 100% Sicilian because that’s what her adoptive family is, and how they raised her. I get it to an extent. Some parts of ethnicity seem almost performative and nurtured by surroundings more than something visible to the naked eye.

    When I was a teenager I was attacked while opening up my work early in the morning. It was sunny and a busy street but the door was on a corner kind of away from the view.

    I read somewhere (I think on a profile of Madonna shortly after her fling with Beaty(?)) that he and Annette had a lunch date and he said in the first few minutes that he wanted to settle down and have kids and she said ‘sure’. I don’t ever recall hearing it was an amazing love story or particularly touching