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    I haven’t counted yet but I cursory glance indicates 30-40 brushes. I’d estimate 10-15 for face/foundation/blush and an absolutely disgusting amount for eyes 20-25. I was starting to feel wasteful with all these 5 or 6 brush posts.

    I miss my mom for one billion and one reasons but really I miss her for the occasional ‘oh I wish I had more spending money’ purchases or the rare but still beloved ‘I’ll help you make this gigantic life purchase because I’m so proud of you’. I never felt more alone or untethered to life as when I lost my mom.

    I have several friends and friends of friends who are nurses and it absolutely terrified me that they were in charge of caring for people. But when my mom was sick we had some amazing nurses...I think it kind of depends on where they work and what departments they are in, if that makes sense?

    I thought a few of them were very pretty prior to makeup, granted the style the makeup was done in is not my favorite so I might be a little negatively biased, but some of them were surprisingly average looking (by which I mean not unbelievably or otherworldly beautiful). I can see why some of the women would feel

    I can’t tell if you’re trying to make a point about the difference in race vs ethnicity or bioenthnicity or if I used a term incorrectly and you’re trolling me, but her test result gave her a break down percentage of Sub Saharan African ancestry, European, and a few other things.

    My husband recently became friends with a colleague from his firm’s Kentucky branch and asked about the overall impression there (of Kim Davis). His new friend is so embarrassed and ashamed of his state and how many residents seem not only ‘okay’ with Davis but fully supporting and backing her. It’s so weird to hear

    I’m not from here so I am honestly asking...are any of the states that frequently argue about states rights vs federal rights ‘progressive’? The arguments always seem to have to do with less restrictions for guns and more for gays and women’s reproductive rights.

    That pose and self satisfied smile is so douchetastic it should be in an ED Hardy shirt. I was just a teenager when this happened but I remembered thinking ‘if I was as rich and famous as Julia Roberts I would have either paid someone to come up with a better burn or not bothered with a halfway married dude...it’s not

    I guess he’s going with the ‘evil he knows’ instead of some brown guy or maybe lady?

    I could live with a certain amount of lessened free speech if it made FOX News and certain politicos responsible for lying, fear lingering, and inciting hate and encouraging ignorance and bigotry. That may not be a popular or very patriotic thing to say, but freedom of speech...I guess?

    I’m not arguing that people haven’t been raped by ‘best friends’ but I have always wondered how they define ‘best friend’. When I think of my ‘best friend’ I think of my ‘ride or die’ ‘other half of my coin’ closest ally and extension of myself. I would die before causing my best friend pain or suffering and I know

    I was pretty young when this case happened but I remember thinking maybe ‘popped’ meant ‘tossed’? I know I’ve heard ‘popped’ as ‘oh I popped on over to the store’ as in quick, BUT I’ve also heard ‘I popped him on the nose’ as in punched.

    I don’t know about most states, but I interned for a while with a family law clinic in California and it was incredibly frustrating to see how *crazy* hard it was to remove some kids from deplorable situations. It seems insane based on my (admittedly limited) experiences that a judge would remove children from a

    Again, those are the hours tracked as ‘paid’ not the hours spent as primary caregiver to children and the hours spent also maintaining a household. The overall total of unpaid time in comparison to tasks done and level of social value offered are not traceable by dollar and cents...most likely because people discount

    I think it’s more an issue of a standard size penis not being able to overcome the extra belly and or thigh flesh. I have seen several episodes of ‘My 600lb Life’ wherein the men can no longer find or access their penises. I would think a very large stomach might obscure a penis to the point of almost seeming micro.

    Smaller than a modern 4? A 22 inch waist can (usually) wear anything from a 0-4 or xs-m in American sizing (variation for brand and ‘vanity’ skew).

    If ‘rude’ is reason enough to kill, what the fuck would being a viciously bigoted murdeous instigator merit?

    That was my first thought too.

    1.) Feminism is a complex system wherein half of the world’s population wants an equal share of rights to the other half.

    But I thought feminists were also super slutty...?