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    Knowing your mere conception was a life ruining burden and punishment builds character. Kids love building painful character, don’t they?

    I did the escort thing for a bit. My favorite response was ‘Sir/ma’am, I’m a Christian and I ask that you please control your language’.

    The only women I know who regret their abortion(s) are women who were forced by parents (back alley 60’s situation) or pressured/forced by a lover to terminate.

    Or being generally catty and less trustworthy than men-causing thousands of teenaged girls to explain how they’re NOT like ‘other girls’ and how they ‘just get along better with boys’.

    Are medical terminations included in the ‘pregnancy more planned’ category?

    I’ve referred to it as the ‘girl ghostbusters’ a few times because I remembered another all male reboot was being discussed around the same time as well. I guess that one fell through?

    I need more space than a driver’s seat can accommodate...aside from crashing, pinching and bumping into not sexy parts seems like a concern to take into account.

    From what I read at the Washington Post the dad took a position out of the country causing the entire family to move. It didn’t work out and the wife took the kids home. Fair or not- as a teenager I would have been furious with the parent who uprooted and ‘ruined’ my life. I definitely was closer to my mom and would

    I hate forced hugging.

    Yeah...my dad would have just let go.

    I don’t see why people think it’s such a horrendous personality trait to be ‘judgmental’, especially when judgmental seems to mean ‘not blindly supportive’. We judge everything everyday.

    I agree. I don’t think anyone should ‘pull a gun’ for any reason other than killing. Far too many people get shot and die by someone escalating a situation or ‘only meaning to scare’ a possible threat.

    A gun in a lock box or with a trigger lock isn’t really accessible enough ‘in the heat of the moment’ to be very effective (especially is unloaded or kept separate from bullets).

    Plenty of people at the Gifford shooting had weapons. Didn't stop that...

    Eh...I've seen some aggressive panhandlers. I live in an incredibly shitty area though so most of the interactions I see are always a few seconds away from a thunderdome type situation.

    Several years ago my best friend hit a man with her car and killed him. He was drinking all night, told everyone in the bar he was going to kill himself, left the bar and jumped right in front of her car. She had no idea what had happened or that the man was suicidal. For a month she thought she had ‘missed something’

    I want to watch a coming of age movie about your childhood.

    I don’t know why ‘I identify as a lemon payer’ pleases me so much...but goddamn it does.

    Damn white ladies. You're embarrassing us all.

    I’m 5’1 (5’2 on a good day) and about 100lbs...not the most graceful person either. I think it has a lot to do with my job and client base (the majority are in program for gang offense or assault charges) as well as my size. You’re lucky you can bitch face people away, I could point a knife at someone and they’d say I