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    I give MY husband clementines for a snack! C list stars are just like us!

    I’m pretty fancy as well. I have actually had coworkers ask me to ‘lower the bar’ at my old job. Not all of them of course, some of them enjoyed my flair and would bring me pieces that they bought and never wore or that an older relative had saved. If I were a different person I’d probably have moved to the south

    I experienced an incredibly religious/parochial education (k-12) and was overjoyed when I got to college and was finally able to discuss new ideas and concepts. Even my fundamental Christian high school ‘guidance counselor’ said that college was supposed to expose you to ideas (and people) outside of your comfort zone.

    I also love hate Rachel McAdams hair.

    I would think it might be more reasonable to skip steak altogether if that's a consistent concern.

    I’ve never known anyone to get sick from medium rare steak. If anything you’re more likely to receive an inferior piece of meat the more ‘done’ you order it.

    I was a fat kid and have been a very thin adult. Neither required much effort on my behalf as I just had a lot of ‘baby fat’ well into my teens and a lot less into adulthood.

    Well done red meat is a waste of time and money...and cow. Respect the flesh that died for you and eat it no more than medium rare- ever.

    I’m a girl and I round up my height almost two inches...when I was 17 a nurse once said I was 5’2 and I refuse to adhere to the stupid DMV chart that says 5’ 3/4 inches. I feel like I’m 5’2.

    I think it’s worse for men who are maybe smaller than ‘ideal’. My dad and husband are both giant men and both are far more physically and emotionally comfortable with grief and vulnerability than the women they married.


    That is EXACTLY what I was about to post. I feel like someone with even the slightest problem solving ability could have quickly remedied this issue. Hell, take a picture prior to smoothing if you want to complain or save for storytelling purposes...don't fuck up an entire party being horrified and offended.

    If you (usually) ask enough questions about the birth control people used that resulted in pregnancy you’ll find it was used incorrectly. I’ve known 3 women who got pregnant on the pill and 2 of them took it incorrectly. The 3rd was very overweight and the pill is apparently less effective at increased weight? That is

    I don’t get how he has ‘fans’. I totally understand if his parents ‘fans’ were indulgent or even kind of fond of him, I just don’t understand why he would have any fans of his own. Aside from him being an obnoxious teenager (but most teens are anyways) I can’t quite understand how anyone follows or supports him.

    Bad blonde. That makes her look so much older. Blonde is not for everyone.

    Someone once said I ‘sorta...totally’ looked like her. It was one of the best days of my life since most my compliments seem to involve sitting on a stranger’s face . I work in a *super classy* neighborhood. Obviously.

    I have an infuriating shoplifting story if you ever do a retail version of ‘Worst Customer’. It has a satisfying ending-almost wish fulfillment.

    I haven’t read all of the ‘worst customer’ posts made over the years so I might be wrong....but this set seems like the worst.

    If only...

    The generation prior to mine had the option of cords and I was always incredibly jealous. They had just banned them when I started the 9th grade. I was way more upset about losing uniform clothing option than any human has a right to be...but I do still love a good corduroy pant or jacket and probably always will.