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    I'm very conflicted about the topic of competency and medical/legal rights.

    I've 'made' (or sweetly requested with kisses) that my husband carry me when I'm tired...it's the main benefit to marrying someone a over a foot taller and 120lbs heavier. I figure it's the flip side of possibly being smushed to death during the very dangerous missionary position.

    Possible trigger warning:

    This is a huge pet peeve of mine. I've noticed that most women (girls usually) who loudly proclaim getting along better with men or boys because 'girls are catty and untrustworthy' seems to be pretty catty and untrustworthy themselves.

    It sounds like Tina Fey has already made (or tried to make) pointed references regarding Cosby when few other would. Comments that could have severely harmed her career and did so fairly openly regardless of how scared or 'chicken' others in the media (who apparently had suspicions) may have been.

    Is Jesus against Botox and sunscreen?

    I'm sure Baby Jesus has better things to do, like poop his pants and put his feet in his mouth...why would you punish a baby like that?

    But they both enjoy the subjugation of women, so there's that.

    I like the way you think GameofHousewives.

    Suz's insight is somewhat rare, but it's still about Suz. I don't feel like Suz believes mom and sister are 'real people', and as such Suz can continue to focus on how everything affects her(?).

    I can't help but feel like this is kind of a cop out for abusive behavior. Yes, it is incredibly difficult to break the patterns of abuse...but it is not impossible.

    Yppu is comparing Tristan and Mike Brown. A few posts above he says that Brown was referred to as a 'child' at 18 but Tristan is being called a man.

    They aren't. Context clues should help answer any related questions.

    Isn't that what accused implies?

    I've (previously) read that nowhere in the US has ever served 'authentic' Kobe beef, only beef raised in similar Kobe manner? Sadly I don't know enough about beef to make an informed decision.

    I knew someone would beat me to this post. What a good boy...I wish they had a nicer picture of their dog though.

    I lost my mother to brain cancer, and the worst, most fucked up part is how they lose the parts of their personality that make them yours. Good for this family that they have this memory.

    I would kind of be Leary in general of what kind of person goes to an event like this.

    This may be hard to read, assault related.

    This will be long and kind of confusing.